Updated on 2025-02-28

Detailed explanation of jQuery events and animation basics

Today we will talk about events and simple animations in jquery. After all, their foundation is the foundation of advanced and gorgeousness! !

1. Events


ready   ready

2. Mouse Events




mouseover(fn)     Mouse pointer is moved out

mouseout(fn)       When the mouse pointer is moved out

 $("#nav .navsBox ul li").mouseover(function(){
  $(this).addClass("onbg"); //Add class style to this element.onbg }).mouseout(function(){
  $(this).removeClass("onbg");//Remove class style for this element.onbg });



3. Keyboard events

keydown()           When pressing the keyboard


keypress()         When a printable character is generated

  alert("Are you sure you want to submit it???");

4. Form Events

focus()                                                              �

Losing focus


Binding events and removal events

bind(type,[data],fn)   (binding)

type      Mainly includes basic events such as blur, focus, click, mouseout, etc. In addition, it can also be customized events

[data]   The additional data object passed as the attribute value to the event object, this parameter is not required

Used to bind processing functions

unbind([type],[fn])    (Remove)

type     Mainly includes basic events such as blur, focus, click, mouseout, etc. In addition, you can also customize events

fn                                                                                                                              �


2. Animation

1. Control elements to display and hide $(selector).show([speed],[callback])


speed: optional. Specifies the speed at which an element can go from hidden (display) to visible (not visible)

callback : optional. After the show function is executed, the function to be executed


2. Change the transparency of elements

  $("img").fadeOut(100); // Easy to understand  //$("img").fadeIn(100); fade in });

3. Change the height of the element

 // $(".txt").slideup();

The above is all the content of this article. I hope that the content of this article will help you study or work. I also hope to support me more!