Yesterday, when using Hui background template, I used modal box to pass the value to another new page
This is how the template is written. There is no way to pass the value to the new page, so I went to Baidu and summarize
function zhuyuan(title,url,id,w,h,type){ ({ title:'Add a category', type: 2, area: ['700px', '530px'], fix: false, //Not fixed maxmin: true, content: '{:url("yuyue/huayan")}?type=3', success:function(layero,index){ }, end:function(){ var handle_status = $("#handle_status").val(); if ( handle_status == '1' ) { ('Added successfully! ',{ icon: 1, time: 2000 // 2 seconds off (if not configured, the default is 3 seconds) },function(){ (0); }); } else if ( handle_status == '2' ) { ('Add failed! ',{ icon: 2, time: 2000 // 2 seconds off (if not configured, the default is 3 seconds) },function(){ (0); }); } } }); }
The content inside is the jump path. You can use "?parameter=***" to pass the value.
The above method of using the layer modal box to pass values to a new page is all the content I share with you. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.