The Sting String object is one of the built-in objects provided by Javascript.
Pay special attention here that the first character in the string is the 0th bit, and the second is the 1st bit.
1. Method to create a string object
[var] String object instance name = new String(string)
Or var String object instance name = string value
var str = "Hello World";
var str1 = new String("This is a string");
Properties of
length: Returns the length of the string
var intlength = //intlength = 11
charAt(*): Returns a single character in the *th position of the string
var x = "abcdefg"; var y = (3); //y="d"
charCodeAt(*): Returns the ASCII code of a single character in the string position at *
No details
fromCharCode(): Accepts a specified Unicode value and returns a string.
((72,69,76,76,79)); //The output result is HELLO
indexOf(): Find another string object from the string, find the return position successfully, otherwise return -1
("children".indexOf("l",0)); //The output result is 3
("children".indexOf("l",1)); //The output result is 3
("children".indexOf("l",4)); //The output result is -1
lastIndexOf(): Similar to indexOf() method, the difference is that the search direction is opposite, search from behind to front
("children".lastIndexOf("l",4)); //The output result is 3
split(delimiter character): Returns an array, the array is separated from the string, and the delimiter character determines the separation.
'l&o&v&e'.split('&'); //Return the array l,o,v,e
substring(): equivalent to string cropping function
("children".substring(1,3)); //The output result is hil
substr(): It is also equivalent to cropping, pay attention to the difference from substring()
("children".substr(1,3)); //The output result is hil. Here we should pay attention to comparison with substing. Although the results are the same, the algorithm and ideas are different.
toLowerCase() and toUpperCase(): function similarly, but return a string with the same original string. The only difference is that all letters in the former are lowercase and the latter are uppercase.
("LOVE".toLowerCase()); //The output result is love
("love".toUpperCase()); //The output result is LOVE
Pay special attention here that the first character in the string is the 0th bit, and the second is the 1st bit.
1. Method to create a string object
[var] String object instance name = new String(string)
Or var String object instance name = string value
var str = "Hello World";
var str1 = new String("This is a string");
Properties of
length: Returns the length of the string
var intlength = //intlength = 11
charAt(*): Returns a single character in the *th position of the string
var x = "abcdefg"; var y = (3); //y="d"
charCodeAt(*): Returns the ASCII code of a single character in the string position at *
No details
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:
fromCharCode(): Accepts a specified Unicode value and returns a string.
((72,69,76,76,79)); //The output result is HELLO
indexOf(): Find another string object from the string, find the return position successfully, otherwise return -1
("children".indexOf("l",0)); //The output result is 3
("children".indexOf("l",1)); //The output result is 3
("children".indexOf("l",4)); //The output result is -1
lastIndexOf(): Similar to indexOf() method, the difference is that the search direction is opposite, search from behind to front
("children".lastIndexOf("l",4)); //The output result is 3
split(delimiter character): Returns an array, the array is separated from the string, and the delimiter character determines the separation.
'l&o&v&e'.split('&'); //Return the array l,o,v,e
substring(): equivalent to string cropping function
("children".substring(1,3)); //The output result is hil
substr(): It is also equivalent to cropping, pay attention to the difference from substring()
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:
("children".substr(1,3)); //The output result is hil. Here we should pay attention to comparison with substing. Although the results are the same, the algorithm and ideas are different.
toLowerCase() and toUpperCase(): function similarly, but return a string with the same original string. The only difference is that all letters in the former are lowercase and the latter are uppercase.
("LOVE".toLowerCase()); //The output result is love
("love".toUpperCase()); //The output result is LOVE