Updated on 2025-02-28

Code for JS plus ASP secondary domain name transfer

I have made the secondary domain name transfer of Asp by myself, but I have used another method: the front-end JS plus ASP transfer program cannot be transferred. The program debugging has passed but I can't be transferred. I don't know why, please help me point out the reason. Thank you! ! !
Dim whkDbq,whkSql,whkRs,whkCount
Set whkConn = ("")
whkDbq = ("")
"Provider=.4.0;Data Source="&whkDbq
whkSql = "select bh,id from UserInfo where State='3'"
Set whkRS = ("")
<script language="javascript">
var records = [],whkCoun = 0,whkFlag = 0;
Do while not 
records[whkCoun] = new Array("<%=whkRs("bh")%>","<%=whkRs("id")%>");
("whkCoun:"+whkCoun+"    records["+whkCoun+"]:"+records[whkCoun][0]+records[whkCoun][1]+"<br>");
whkCoun = whkCoun + 1;

'whkConn = whkConn + 1
whkUrl = ;
whkUrl = ("http://","");
whkUrl = (0,("/"));
if (() != "")
       var whkFirstP = ("."),whkEndP = ("."),gotoUrl;
       if ((whkFirstP == whkEndP) && ((whkFirstP != -1) || (whkEndP != -1)))
              whkFlag = 0;
              // = "/"
                     if (whkUrl == "localhost")
                            whkFlag = 0;

                     var whkUrl2 = (0,("."));
                     if (() == "www")
                            if ((".",whkFirstP+1) == (".",whkEndP-1))
("<br>Here is the read bh:"+records[i][0]);
                                          if (records[i][0] == (whkFirstP+1,(".",whkFirstP+1)))
                                                 whkFlag = 1;
gotoUrl = "/show/? Find the second-level domain name of "+records[i][0]+".");
                                   whkFlag = 0;
("I lost too much!");
                                   // = "/";
                            whkFlag = 0;
("Please enter www at the beginning");
       whkFlag = 0;
("Go to the homepage of the website!");
       // = whkUrl;
("<br>Last result: "+gotoUrl+whkwhkwhk);
if (whkFlag == 1)
("<frameset cols=\"*\"><frame frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"auto\" src=\""+gotoUrl+"\"><\/frameset>" );