Updated on 2025-02-28

Use javascript to dynamically assign TEXT type data in the database to TEXTAREA

I want to dynamically add text-type data to TEXTAREA, the following program cannot display it normally
ShtForm is the Form domain, Txt_CmpnyPrms is TEXTAREA
  ("<script   language='javascript'>")   
  tempStr   =   "ShtForm.Txt_CmpnyPrms.innerText   =   '   "   +   HTMLEncode(v_Rs("Cmpny_Prms").GetChunk(1000))   +   "';"   
The following is displayed in the source code of the display web page:
  ShtForm.Txt_CmpnyPrms.innerText   =   '   efg<br/>   
How to solve this problem
1st floor
("<scr"+"ipt   language='javascript'>");   
2nd floor
Is it a HTMLEncode problem?
3rd floor
To:    sdts(Ange of God)
No, I added HTMLEncode later. When there is no HTMLEncode, the display format is as follows:
  ShtForm.Txt_CmpnyPrms.innerText   =   'efg   
4th floor
5th floor
tempStr   =   "ShtForm.Txt_CmpnyPrms.innerText   =unescape('"   +   escape(v_Rs("Cmpny_Prms").GetChunk(1000))   +   "')"