Updated on 2025-02-28

JavaScript's operation example explanation of drop-down list box (select)

<script type="text/javascript">
var f = ("f");

//Get the number of select list items

//The subscript of the currently selected item (starting from 0) (there are two methods)
//If multiple items are selected, return the subscript of the first selected item

//Check whether an item is selected

//Get the value and text of a certain item

//Delete a certain item
[1] = null;

//Add one
[] = new Option("appended text", "appended value");

//Change one
[1] = new Option("changed text", "changed value");
//You can also set the text and value of this item directly

//Select all items in the list
function SelectAllOption(list)
for (var i=0; i<; i++)
[i].selected = true;

//Unselect items in the list by asp learning network
function DeSelectOptions(list)
for (var i=0; i<; i++)
[i].selected = ![i].selected;

//Return to the number of selected items in the list
function GetSelectedOptionsCnt(list)
var cnt = 0;
var i = 0;
for (i=0; i<; i++)
if ([i].selected)

return cnt;

//Clear the list
function ClearList(list)
while ( > 0)
[0] = null;

//Delete the list selected item
//Return the number of deleted items
function DelSelectedOptions(list)
var i = 0;
var deletedCnt = 0;
while (i < )
if ([i].selected)
[i] = null;

return deletedCnt;
//This function finds whether the corresponding item exists
// Whether to perform repeatCheck check
//If it is "v", repeat the value check by value
//If it is "t", repeat the value check according to the text
//If it is "vt", repeat the value check by value and text
//Other values, no repetitive check is performed, return false
function OptionExists(list, optText, optValue, repeatCheck)
var i = 0;
var find = false;

if (repeatCheck == "v")
//Repeat value check by value
for (i=0; i<; i++)
if ([i].value == optValue)
find = true;
else if (repeatCheck == "t")
//Repeat the check by text
for (i=0; i<; i++)
if ([i].text == optText)
find = true;
else if (repeatCheck == "vt")
//Repeat check by value and text
for (i=0; i<; i++)
if (([i].value == optValue) && ([i].text == optText))
find = true;

return find;

//Add an item to the list
//list is the list to be added
//optText and optValue represent the text and values ​​of the item respectively
//RepeatCheck Whether to perform repetitive checks, see OptionExists
//Return true after successful addition, false after failure
function AppendOption(list, optText, optValue, repeatCheck)
if (!OptionExists(list, optText, optValue, repeatCheck))
[] = new Option(optText, optValue);
return true;
return false;

//Insert item
//index Insert position. When the insertion position >= list number of existing items, its function is equivalent to additional items that do not perform repeated inspections.
//optText and optValue represent the text and values ​​of the item respectively
function InsertOption(list, index, optText, optValue)
var i = 0;
for (i=; i>index; i--)
[i] = new Option([i-1].text, [i-1].value);

[index] = new Option(optText, optValue);
//Import items from one list to another list
// Whether to perform repeatCheck checks, see OptionExists
//After importing the deleteSource item to the target, whether to delete the item in the source list
//Return the number of items affected
function ListToList(sList, dList, repeatCheck, deleteSource)
//The number of rows affected
var lines = 0;
var i = 0;
while (i<)
if ([i].selected && AppendOption(dList, [i].text, [i].value, repeatCheck))
//Added successfully
if (deleteSource)
//Delete items in the source list
[i] = null;

return lines;

//Move the selected item in the list up
function MoveSelectedOptionsUp(list)
var i = 0;
var value = "";
var text = "";
for (i=0; i<(-1); i++)
if (![i].selected && [i+1].selected)
value = [i].value;
text = [i].text;
[i] = new Option([i+1].text, [i+1].value);
[i].selected = true;
[i+1] = new Option(text, value);

//The selected item in the list moves down
function MoveSelectedOptionsDown(list)
var i = 0;
var value = "";
var text = "";
for (i=-1; i>0; i--)

if (![i].selected && [i-1].selected)
value = [i].value;
text = [i].text;
[i] = new Option([i-1].text, [i-1].value);
[i].selected = true;
[i-1] = new Option(text, value);