Updated on 2025-03-01

Example analysis of two types of form submission methods in JS

This article analyzes two types of form submission methods of JS. Share it for your reference, as follows:

1. Original

<form method="post" action="/student/stureg/add"  onsubmit="return subForm();">
<button type="submit" class="button red" style="font-size:18px; font-family:'Microsoft Yahei';">carry pay</button>

After the button is submitted here, execute the subForm() method. SubForm can verify the form and return false, but the form does not submit. Otherwise submit.

function subForm()
  var flag = true;
      flag = false;
      $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"});
      $(this).attr("status","1").val("This is a required item, please fill it in!");
    flag = false;
    $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"});
     $(this).attr("status","1").val("Please fill in the correct ID number!");
 var reg = new RegExp("^[0-9]*$");
   flag = false;
   $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"});
    $(this).attr("status","1").val("Please fill in the correct contact number!");
   flag = false;
   $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"});
    $(this).attr("status","1").val("This ID card has been registered!");
  return flag;

Various verifications!

Set up submission

<form method="post" action="/student/stureg/reglogin" >
<a ><img src="/images/login/login_bt.png" style="cursor:pointer"/></a>

This is not a submit button, but a button that simulates submission.


Trigger the submission event, use it here

onsubmit="return loginForm();" will have no effect, and it will be submitted regardless of whether it returns false or not. So you need to verify it before you actually submit it.

function loginForm(){
 var flag = true;
   flag = false;
   $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"});
   $(this).attr("status","1").val("Can't be empty");
 return flag;

Return false, and the submit method is not called.

These are two ways to handle the prelude to form submission.

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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's JavaScript programming.