Updated on 2025-03-01

Commonly used global attributes and methods records accumulation in JavaScript

Global method Function
encodeURI() Returns a copy of the parameter, where some characters are replaced by hexadecimal escape sequences. It is recommended to use encodeURIComponent()
encodeURIComponent() Returns a copy of the parameter where some characters are replaced by a hexadecimal escape sequence
decodeURI() String decoding of encodeURI() escaped
decodeURIComponent() Decode string escaped by encodeURIComponent()
escape() Replace certain characters with escape sequences for string encoding
unescape() Decode strings encoded with escape()
eval()  Calculate Javascript code string and return the result
isFinite() Check if a value is an infinite number
isNaN()  Check whether a value is a non-numeric value
parseInt() Parsing an integer from a string
parseFloat() Parsing a decimal from a string