Updated on 2025-03-01

Code for disabling right-click and copy-paste functions of JS input text box

function click(e)
if ()
if (==1||==2||==3)
oncontextmenu='return false';
if ()
if ( == 3)
oncontextmenu='return false';
if ()
= new Function("return false;")
var trxdyel=true
var hotkey=17 /* hotkey is the key value of the hotkey, which is the ASII code, here 99 represents the c key */
if ()
function gogo(e)
if ()
if (==hotkey && trxdyel)
alert('Action error. Maybe you pressed the wrong key!');
else if ()
if (==hotkey&&trxdyel){ alert('Action error. Maybe you pressed the wrong key!'); }}