Like Java, it is very resource-consuming to use the "+" sign in JS to piece together strings, so in the case of a large number of strings, we also need a tool similar to StringBuffer.
The following uses the () method to implement StringBuffer
function StringBuffer() { this._strs = new Array; } = function (str) { this._strs.push(str); }; = function() { return this._strs.join(""); };
var sb=new StringBuffer(); ("sss") ("ddd"); (); //"sssddd"
Attached the string formatting method used in a project
/** * Format string * format("{0},{1}","ddd","fff"); * format('<button type="{1}">{2}</button>',"btnOk","Button","Ok") **/ function format(str){ for(var i=0;i<-1;i++){ var placeHolder="{"+i+"}"; if((placeHolder)!=-1){ str=(placeHolder,arguments[i+1]); } } return str; }
The above simple example of JS pieced together strings is all the content I share with you. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.