This article has shared the specific code of jQuery seamless carousel for your reference. The specific content is as follows
html code
<div class="banner"> <ul class="img"> <li><a href="#"><img src="image/"></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="image/"></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="image/"></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="image/"></a></li> </ul> <ul class="num"> </ul> <div class="btn btn_l"><</div> <div class="btn btn_r">></div> </div>
jq code
$(function(){ var i=0; var clone=$(".banner .img li").first().clone(); $(".banner .img").append(clone); var size = $(".banner .img li").size(); for(var j=0;j<size-1;j++){ $(".banner .num").append("<li></li>"); } $(".banner .num li").first().addClass('on'); //The mouse is inserted into the dot $(".banner .num li").hover(function(){ var index=$(this).index(); i=index; $(".banner .img").stop().animate({left:-index*1000},500); $(this).addClass('on').siblings().removeClass('on'); }) /*Automatic carousel*/ var t=setInterval(function(){ i++; move(); },2000); //Operation of banner timer $(".banner").hover(function(){ clearInterval(t); },function(){ t=setInterval(move,2000); }) /*Left button*/ $(".banner .btn_l").click(function(){ i++; move(); }) /*Right button*/ $(".banner .btn_r").click(function(){ i--; move(); }) function move(){ if(i==size){ $(".banner .img").css({left:0}); i=1; } if(i==-1){ $(".banner .img").css({left:-(size-1)*1000}); i=size-2; } $(".banner .img").stop().animate({left:-i*1000},500); if(i==size-1){ $(".banner .num li").eq(0).addClass('on').siblings().removeClass('on'); }else{ $(".banner .num li").eq(i).addClass('on').siblings().removeClass('on'); } } })
<style> *{padding:0;margin:0;list-style: none;} .banner{ margin:100px auto; border:5px solid #000; width:1000px; height:640px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .banner .img{ width:5000px; position: absolute; left:0px; top:0px; } .banner .img li{ float:left; } .banner .num{ position:absolute; width:100%; bottom:20px; left:0px; text-align: center; font-size: 0px; } .banner .num li{ width:10px; height:10px; background: #888; border-radius: 50%; display: inline-block; margin:0 3px; cursor: pointer; } .banner .num { background: #f00; } .banner .btn{ width:30px; height:50px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); position:absolute; top:50%; margin-top:-25px; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; color:#fff; font-size: 40px; font-family: "Song-style"; display: none; } .banner:hover .btn{ display: block; } .banner .btn_l{ left:0px; } .banner .btn_r{ right:0px; } </style>
The above is all the content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study and I hope everyone will support me more.