There is such a string:
[number] string
Take a=number
Intercept method 1:
int a = Convert.ToInt32(().Replace('[', ']').Split(']')[1]); string b = ().Replace('[', ']').Split(']')[2];
Intercept method 2:
string str = "[number] string"; Regex reg = new Regex(@" ([^]+)\](.*)"); string a= Convert.ToInt32( (str).Groups[1].Value); string b= Convert.ToInt32( (str).Groups[2].Value);
Intercept method 3
string tempStr = "[number] string"; string pattern = @" ([\s§]∗) ([\s\S]*)"; Regex re = new Regex(pattern); string str1 = (tempStr,pattern,"$1"); string str2 = (tempStr, pattern, "$2");
How to write an array
/// <summary> /// Return an array of strings /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string[] ReturnIDAndName(string str) { string[] stringArray = new string[2]; Regex reg = new Regex(@" ([^]+)\](.*)"); stringArray[0]= (str).Groups[1].Value; stringArray[1] = (str).Groups[2].Value; return stringArray; } /// <summary> /// Intercept the string number /// </summary> public int ReturnId(string str) { try { if ((str)) { return 0; } Regex regex = new Regex("(?<=\\[)\\d+(?=\\])"); Match m = (str); int pid; if (!) { pid = ("[" + (str).Value + "]"); } return ((str).Value); } catch { return 0; } }
The above are the techniques and techniques for intercepting strings of regular expressions shared with you in this article. I hope you like it.