Updated on 2025-03-01

Learn to recognize Excel dates easily in R language


When processing Excel files using R language, you often encounter situations where you need to identify date data in Excel. This article will introduce how to use R language to identify date data in Excel and provide corresponding code examples.


Before you start, you need to make sure that the following R packages are installed and loaded:readxlandlubridatereadxlPackage is used to read Excel files,lubridatePackage is used to process date data.

Install and load these two packages using the following code:



Read Excel file

First, we need to useread_excelFunctions read data from Excel files. Here is a sample code:

data <- read_excel("")

The above code will read the Excel file named "" and save the data indatain variable.

Identify date data

After reading the Excel file, we need to identify the date data in it. In R languagelubridateThe package provides functions and tools for processing dates.

Here is a sample code that identifies date data in Excel tables and saves them in a new date variable:

data$date <- as_date(data$date_column)

The above code assumes that the date data in the Excel table is locateddate_columnIn the column, passas_dateThe function converts it to a date type and saves the result indatein variable.

Process date data

Once the date data is identified, we can uselubridateFunctions in the package to perform various date operations.

Here are some commonly used date operations examples:

  • Year of the date of obtaining:year(data$date)
  • Get the month of date:month(data$date)
  • Get the date:day(data$date)
  • Get the date of the week:wday(data$date)
  • Compare two dates:data$date1 < data$date2

Complete code example

Here is a complete code example that demonstrates how to identify date data in Excel and perform some date operations:

# Install and load the required packages("readxl")

# Read Excel filedata &lt;- read_excel("")

# Identify date datadata$date &lt;- as_date(data$date_column)

# Process date datadata$year &lt;- year(data$date)
data$month &lt;- month(data$date)
data$day &lt;- day(data$date)
data$weekday &lt;- wday(data$date)

# Print the resultsprint(data)

This is the end of this article about easily learning to recognize Excel dates in R language. For more related R language, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!