Add a line before the code starts: sink(""), and the results will be automatically output to the text document in the working folder. At this time, the output result cannot be seen in the output window of the R console. When the code ends, use sink() to switch back.
sink("") x<-rnorm(100,0,1) mean(x) sink()
Note: The output here is mean(x).
library(stargazer) #Import datamydata <- ("intro_auto.csv") attach(mydata) Y <- cbind(mpg) X1 <- cbind(weight) X2 <- cbind(weight,price,foreign) #Generate a descriptive statistics tablestargazer(mydata, type = "text") #Simple OLS regression to obtain estimated results fit1 and fit2fit1 <- lm(Y~weight) fit2 <- lm(Y~weight+price+foreign) #Generate an estimate result tablestargazer(fit1, fit2, title = "results", align = F, type = "text", = TRUE, out = "") #It should be noted that,In this command,existconsolThe generated table istextFormat,The exported table ishtmlFormat(stargazerCan't generate directlyworddocument),Use againword打开document就可以
Functions in packages
Not used yet.
4.R2wd package
This is the article about outputting R statistics results to local files. For more relevant R language results, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope you will support me in the future!