Updated on 2025-03-01

Go structure in-depth exploration from foundation to application

1. Structure Overview

In Go language, structures are the core data organization tool, providing flexible means to process complex data

In computer programming, data structures are a way to organize, manage, and store data, which allows various operations to be performed efficiently. Structs in Go are part of these data structures, which provide a concrete way to organize data.

A structure can be considered as a collection of multiple fields (i.e., variables). These fields may have different data types, but together they form a single logical entity. In practical applications, structures often represent objects and concepts in the real world, for example, aPersonStructures may containnameageandaddressetc fields.

Compared with other major programming languages, Go's structure has its own unique features. First of all, Go does not support classes in the traditional sense. Instead, structures and association methods provide developers with a way to implement object-oriented programming. This means in Go, you can simulate the behavior of a class by defining methods on a structure.

In addition, Go's structure provides powerful combination characteristics. Unlike inheritance, combination allows one structure to be embedded in other structures, thereby reusing its properties and behaviors. This approach provides a simple and powerful way to share code and behavior without having to care about complex inheritance chains.

Furthermore, the structure is a value type in Go. This means that when a structure is assigned to a new variable, or when a structure is passed to a function as an argument, a copy of the structure is passed, not its reference. This provides certainty for memory management, but also requires developers to pay attention to certain behaviors that are different from reference types.

To sum up, structures in Go are a powerful and flexible tool that supports object-oriented programming while avoiding the complexity of inheritance common in other languages. The properties of its value type ensure stable memory semantics, while the characteristics of its combination provide an easy way to reuse code.

2. Structure definition

Structs in Go are a way to combine different fields into a single type. These fields can be of any type, including other structures or basic types, such as integers, strings, etc. Structures provide developers with a way to represent relevant data in a unified format.

Basic definition of structure

The structure isstructKeyword definition followed by a series of fields. Each field has a name and a type.


// Define a structure that represents a person's basic informationtype Person struct {
    FirstName string
    LastName  string
    Age       int


Process: We defined a name calledPerson, which contains three fields:FirstNameLastNameandAge

Output: One can be used to createPersonThe structure of type variable.

How to declare a structure

After defining a structure, you can use it to declare variables of that type. These variables can be initialized using structure literals.


// Use the Person structure defined abovevar person1 Person
 = "John"
 = "Doe"
 = 30

// Declare and initialize using structure literalsperson2 := Person{FirstName: "Alice", LastName: "Smith", Age: 25}

enter: We used the previously definedPersonStructure.

Process: First, we declare a name calledperson1variables of , and assign values ​​to their fields respectively. Next, we declare and initializeperson2Variables, use structure literals directly.

Output:twoPersonvariable of type,person1andperson2, have been assigned.

Structures provide a way to organize data, which aggregates different information together, making data management and operation more convenient. In Go, the flexibility and efficiency of structures make it one of the most commonly used data structures.

3. Full type solution

In Go, structures are more than just a way to define new data types. A structure can contain a variety of data types, from basic integers, floating point types, to more complex structures such as slices, mappings, and even other structures. This section will discuss these internal types in detail.

Basic data types

A structure can contain all basic data types in Go.


type BasicTypes struct {
    Integer int
    Float   float64
    Boolean bool
    String  string

// usevar basic BasicTypes
 = 10
 = 15.6
 = true
 = "Hello, Go!"

enter: Defines a structure whose fields are integer, floating point, boolean and string.

Process: DeclaredbasicVariables and assign values ​​to their fields separately.

Output: An initializedBasicTypesVariable of type.

Slices and structures

A structure can contain slices, which means that a certain structure's fields can have multiple elements of the same type.


type WithSlice struct {
    Numbers []int

// usevar sliceExample WithSlice
 = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

enter: Defines a structure containing integer slices.

Process: DeclaredsliceExampleA variable and assigns a slice value to its unique field.

Output: A containing integer slicesWithSliceVariable of type.

Nested structure

Structures can be embedded in other structures to form complex data structures.


type Address struct {
    City  string
    State string
type User struct {
    Name    string
    Age     int
    Address Address
// useuser := User{
    Name: "Tom",
    Age:  28,
    Address: Address{
        City:  "San Francisco",
        State: "CA",

enter: We first defined aAddressStructure, thenUserNested in the structureAddress

Process: Use nested structure literals to initializeuservariable.

Output: A nested structureUserVariable of type.

The diversity of structure types allows developers to build very complex and fine data models in Go. Not only can it represent the properties of a single entity, it can also simulate various relationships and structures in the real world.

4. Structure literal representation form

Structural literal representation is the way to create structure instances in Go. It can be considered as a shortcut method to directly specify the value of the structure field without having to assign values ​​to each field separately. There are two main forms of structure literals: the representation of the specified field name and the representation in the order of field declaration.

Specify the representation of the field name

This representation explicitly specifies the field name and the corresponding value. This makes the code clearer and the code for this representation remains valid when the field order of the structure changes.


type Animal struct {
    Name  string
    Age   int
    Color string

// Create a structure instance using the representation of the specified field namedog := Animal{
    Name:  "Buddy",
    Age:   5,
    Color: "Brown",

enter: We defined aAnimalStructure.

Process: Initialize using the literal representation of the structure specified field namedogvariable.

Output: An initializedAnimalVariable of type.

Representation in the order of field declarations

This representation assigns values ​​to fields in the structure in the order in which they are declared. Although this method is relatively concise, if the order of the fields changes, it may lead to errors.


// Create structure instances using representations in the order of field declarationcat := Animal{"Whiskers", 3, "White"}

enter: We use the previously definedAnimalStructure.

Process: Initialize using literal representations of structures in the order of field declarationscatvariable.

Output: An initializedAnimalVariable of type.

Structural literal representations provide Go developers with a fast and intuitive way to create and initialize structure instances. Regardless of the form you choose, the clarity and readability of the code should be ensured, especially when dealing with complex data structures.

5. Use of structure values

Structures are core components in the Go language that organize and represent complex data structures. Once we have instances of structures (also known as structure values), how do we use them? This section discusses in detail how to access, modify, and utilize the values ​​of a structure.

Access the field of the structure

The fields of each structure can be passed.operator to access.


type Book struct {
    Title  string
    Author string
    Pages  int
// Create a Book type instancemyBook := Book{"The Go Programming Language", "Alan A. A. Donovan", 380}
// Access structure fieldstitle := 

enter: We defined aBookThe structure and initializes amyBookExample.

Process:use.Operator accessmyBookofTitleField.

Outputtitlevariable whose value is "The Go Programming Language".

Modify the field of the structure

Can be passed directly= Assignment operatorModify the field of the structure.


// Modify the structure field = 400

enter: We used the previous createdmyBookExample.

Process: DirectlymyBookofPagesAssign a new value to the field.

OutputmyBookofPagesThe field value is now 400.

Use structure as function parameters

Structures can also be used as parameters of functions, allowing us to manipulate the values ​​of structures inside functions.


func PrintBookInfo(b Book) {
    ("Title: %s, Author: %s, Pages: %d\n", , , )
//Use functionsPrintBookInfo(myBook)

enter: We defined aPrintBookInfoThe function whose parameters areBookType and usedmyBookInstance as parameter.

Process: Inside the function, we access the various fields of the structure and print their values.

Output: The console outputs the details of the book.

The value of a structure is the basis for managing and operating complex data in Go. Through the above methods, we can easily access, modify and utilize these values, providing our applications with powerful data organization and representation capabilities.

6. Summary

After delving into the structure technology in Go, we can see that structures are more than just a simple tool for combining data. It occupies a core position in Go's design and provides powerful and flexible means for the organization, representation and operation of data.

The structure reflects the Go language's pursuit of simplicity and efficiency. Through accessing fields, modifying and applying structures in functions, we see how Go provides an intuitive and efficient way to deal with complex data structures. The design of the structure also highlights Go's philosophy: clear, concise and no sacrificing performance.

In practical applications, structures are not just static data containers. They can be considered as templates that define data and its related operations, providing structure and context to our applications. This approach encourages modular and reusable code design, a cornerstone of modern software development.

But the true power of structures is not just in themselves. By combining with other Go functions such as interfaces, methods and embeddings, structures can become more powerful and flexible, providing simple solutions to complex problems.

Finally, we need to realize that the real value of any technological tool, no matter how powerful it is, lies in how it is used. Structures provide us with tools, but the real art lies in how to combine these tools to create efficient, maintainable and solutions that meet business needs. For any developer who wants to have a deep understanding and master the Go language, structures are an indispensable part and are worthy of our in-depth study and practice.

The above is the detailed content of the in-depth exploration of Go structures from basic to application. For more information about the basic application of Go structures, please pay attention to my other related articles!