Updated on 2025-03-01

Three ways to implement Eval (string expression) in C#

1. Background

If a string expression is given"-12 * ( - 2.2 + 7.7 ) - 44 * 2", let you calculate the results, and those who are familiar with JavaScript know that there is aEvalFunctions can be calculated directly, but this function is not available in C#. The following are three implementation methods

2. Code

    public class Class1
        #region Method 1: Use CodeCom        [Obsolete]
         comp = new ().CreateCompiler();
         cp = new ();
        public object Eval_1(string Expression)
            StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();
            ("using System; \n");
            ("namespace ADOGuy { \n");
            (" public class _Evaluator { \n");
            (" public object __foo() ");
            ("{ ");
            (" return ({0}); ", Expression);
            ("} }");
             cr = (cp, ());
             a = ;
            object _Compiled = ("ADOGuy._Evaluator");
             mi = _Compiled.GetType().GetMethod("__foo");
            return (_Compiled, null);

        #region Method 2: Analysis of expressions        string Precede(string p, string q)
            switch (p)
                case "+":
                case "-":
                    return ("*/(".IndexOf(q) != -1) ? "<" : ">";
                case "*":
                case "/":
                    return (q == "(") ? "<" : ">";
                case "(":
                    return (q == ")") ? "=" : "<";
                case ")":
                    return (q == "(") ? "?" : ">";
                case "#":
                    return (q == "#") ? "=" : "<";
            return "?";

        Double Operate(Double a, char o, Double b)
            switch (o)
                case '+':
                    return a + b;
                case '-':
                    return a - b;
                case '*':
                    return a * b;
                case '/':
                    return a / b;
            return 0;

        public Object Eval_2(string Expression)
            Stack nArr = new Stack(), oArr = new Stack();
            int j = 0;
            Double a = 0, b = 0;
            string w = "";
            char o;
            MatchCollection arr = ((" ", "") + "#", @"(((?<=(^|\())-)?\d+(\.\d+)?|\D)");
            w = (arr[j++]);
            while (!(w == "#" && (()) == "#"))
                if ("+-*/()#".IndexOf(w) != -1)
                    switch (Precede(().ToString(), w))
                        case "<":
                            w = (arr[j++]);
                        case "=":
                            w = (arr[j++]);
                        case ">":
                            o = (());
                            b = (());
                            a = (());
                            (Operate(a, o, b));
                            return "Error";
                    w = (arr[j++]);
            return ();

        #region Method 3: Eval using JScript        // Requires a quote        [Obsolete]
        readonly  ve = ();

        public object Eval_3(string Expression)
            return (Expression, ve);

3. Test

        static void Main(string[] args)
            String strExpression = "-12 * ( - 2.2 + 7.7 ) - 44 * 2";

            var obj = new Class1();
            ($"Method 1(CodeComLaw)Calculation results:{obj.Eval_1(strExpression)}");
            ($"方Law二(分析Law)Calculation results:{obj.Eval_2(strExpression)}");
            ($"方Law三(JScriptLaw)Calculation results:{obj.Eval_3(strExpression)}");

Running results:
Method 1 (CodeCom method) calculation result: -154
Method 2 (analysis method) calculation result: -154
Method 3 (JScript method) calculation result: -154

The above is the detailed content of three methods of C# implementing Eval (string expression). For more information about C# implementing Eval (string expression) please pay attention to my other related articles!