Updated on 2025-03-01

C#+MO implements a road editing software (just starting)


//****** main window program


using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;

namespace IRND_DPT
    public partial class frmMain : Form
        IRND_DPT.layerVariable pubLayerVariable = new layerVariable ();
        public frmMain()
//Add layer
        private void tlbAddLayer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IRND_DPT.OpenFile AddFile = new OpenFile();
            (CD1,axMap1 );

            object refMap = (object)this.axMap1;
            bool refTrue = true;
            short refShort = 0;
            (ref refMap);
            (ref refTrue);
            axlegend1.set_Active(ref refShort, true);

            //AddFile(CD1, axMap1);
//Delete the layer
        private void toolStripButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if ( >= 0)
                for (int i = 0; i <=  - 1; i++)
                bool refTrue = true;
                (ref refTrue);

        private void axlegend1_AfterSetLayerVisible(object sender,AxSampleLegendControl.__legend_AfterSetLayerVisibleEvent e)

        private void axlegend1_LayerDblClick(object sender, AxSampleLegendControl.__legend_LayerDblClickEvent e)


        private void axlegend1_MouseDownEvent(object sender, AxSampleLegendControl.__legend_MouseDownEvent e)

            if ( >= 0)
                 layer= ( )( );
                 = ;
                 = ;                
            (true, );
//Zoom in
        private void tlb_ZoomIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             = ;
        private void tlb_ZoomOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             = ;
        private void tlb_Pan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             = ;
//Full picture
        private void tbl_Full_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             = ;
             = ;
//Gradually enlarge
        private void tbl_SmallIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             r = ;
             = r;
//Gradually shrink
        private void tbl_SmallOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             r = ;
             = r;
//Select query
        private void tbl_Identify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             = ;
//Properties browsing
        private void toolStripButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if ( >= 0 &  != null)
                 lyr = ( )();
                IRND_DPT.frmBrowseAttr frmBrowset = new frmBrowseAttr();                
// Map response event
        private void axMap1_MouseDownEvent(object sends, AxMapObjects2._DMapEvents_MouseDownEvent e)

            switch ()
//Zoom in
                case :
                    rect = ();
                    if ( == 0 ||  == 0)
                        rect = ;
                     = rect;
                case :
                    Tempr = ;
                    rect = ();
                    double NewSR;
                    if ( != 0 ||  != 0)
                        if ( /   >  / )
                            NewSR =  / ;
                            NewSR =  / ;
                     = Tempr;
                case :
//Select query
            case :
                    if ( >= 0 &&  != "")
                        rect = ();
                        lyr = ()();
                        if ( == 0)
                            curp = (, );
                            rest = (curp, (double)((float) * 5), "");
                            rest = (rect, , "");
                        if (!=true)
                            (("shape").Value, 2);
                            IRND_DPT.frmIdentify FunctionClass = new frmIdentify();
                            (rest, );



//************ Attribute query


using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;

namespace IRND_DPT
    public partial class frmIdentify : Form

        public frmIdentify()
        private void frmIdentify_Load(object sender,  e)
             = ; 



        private void tvFeat_NodeMouseClick(object sender,  e)
            string ID;
            ListViewItem Item;

            //if ( == null) { return; }
            ID = ;
            while ( != true)
                if (ID == ("FeatureID").ValueAsString)
                    for (short fld = 1; fld < ; fld++)
                        Item = (.get_FieldName(fld));

        public void CurRecordSet( vNewValue)
            mrs = vNewValue;
        public void IniLvwAttr( rst)
            TreeNode n=null ;
            ListViewItem Item;
            string ID;

            if ( >= 2)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (TreeNode tn in )
                    if (i == 2) 
                        n = tn;

                if ( != null)
                    ID = ("FeatureID").ValueAsString;                    
                    while ( != true)
                        if (ID == )
                            for (short fld = 1; fld < ; fld++)
                                Item = (.get_FieldName(fld));

//Add the selected record set to the tree control for display
        public void IniTvFeat( moRs_in, string lyrName_in)
            TreeNode n;            
            string ID;
            if (moRs_in.EOF != true)
                n = (lyrName_in);
                while (moRs_in.EOF != true)
                    ID = moRs_in.("FeatureID").ValueAsString;                    
                    n= (ID);



//************Load layer function


using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;

namespace IRND_DPT
    class OpenFile
//Function description:
//                                                              �
        public void  OpenShapeFiles(OpenFileDialog comopenfile, map)
                string strShape, strCov, strCAD, strVPF, strImage, strMilImage;

//Set the filter to a supported file
                strShape = "ESRI ShapeFiles(*.shp)|*.shp";
                strCov = "ESRI Coverages(*.adf,*.tat,*.pat,*.rat)|;;;;*.tat;*.pat;*.rat";
                strCAD = "AutoCAD File (*.dwg,*.dxf)|*.dwg;*.dxf";
                strImage ="All Image(*.bmp,*.dib,*.tif,*.jpg,*.jff,*.bil,*.bip,*.bsq,*.gis,*.lan,*.rlc,*.sid,*.sun,*.rs,*.ras,*.svf,*.img,*.gif)|*.bmp,*.dib,*.tif,*.jpg,*.jff,*.bil,*.bip,*.bsq,*.gis,*.lan,*.rlc,*.sid,*.sun,*.rs,*.ras,*.svf,*.img,*.gif";

                 = true;
//Set filtering
                 = strShape + "|" + strCov + "|" + strCAD + "|" + strImage ;
= "Add layer";
//Allow multiple files to select and long file names
                 = true;
                if (() == )

                    foreach (string strFilename in )
                        string sPath = (0, ("\\") + 1);
                        string sFile = (("\\") + 1,  - ("\\") - 1);
                        string nametype = ((".") + 1,  - (".") - 1);
                        open_file(sPath, sFile, nametype, map);
("There is an error in adding the layer!");
//Function description:
//                                                              �
        private void open_file(string Path,string filename,string filetype, mapobject)
            string LayerName = (0, ("."));
            switch (filetype)
                case "shp":
                    shpAdd(Path, filename, mapobject, LayerName, true);

//Function description:
//Add files in shape format
        public void   shpAdd(string databasepath, string filename, mapobject, string LayerName, bool Hide)
             dCon=new () ;
           //  gSet=new  ();
             newLayer = new ();     
            long i=0;

                 = databasepath;
                if (())
                     gSet = (filename);
                    if (gSet == null)

                        return ;
// Check whether there are duplicate layer names currently to ensure that all layer names are unique
                        if (FindMapLayerName(mapobject,LayerName)==true )
                            string tempstr = LayerName;
                            while (FindMapLayerName(mapobject, tempstr + "-" + i)==true )
                            LayerName = LayerName + "-" + i;
                         = gSet;

                        if (Hide)
                             = true;
                             = false; 
//Set the layer with default colors and styles
                        switch ()
                            case  :
                            case  .moShapeTypeLine :
                                 = 11513775;
                                 = 1;
                            case  :
                                 = 0;
                                 = 8;
                                 = 12566463;
                                 = true;
                                 = (int);
                         = LayerName;
                        =databasepath + filename ;                        


// MessageBox("Error loading layer!");
//Function description:
//          Find layers in map mapobject,string LayerName
        public bool FindMapLayerName( mapobject, string LayerName)

            for (int i=0;i< ;i++)
                if ((i).ToString() ==LayerName )
                    return true;

           return false ;
