1. DateTime digital type
currentTime=new ();
1.1 Take the current year, month, day, hour, minute, and second
1.2 Take the current year
int year=;
1.3 Take the current month
int month=;
1.4 Take the current day
int day=;
1.5 Get the current time
when int =;
1.6 Get the current score
int points =;
1.7 Take the current second
int seconds=;
1.8 Take the current milliseconds
int milliseconds =;
(Variables are available in Chinese)
2. (Variable) ("Constant")
Character conversion to 32-bit numeric
3. Variable.ToString()
Character conversion to string
("n"); // Generate 12,345.00
("C"); //Generate ¥12,345.00
("e"); //Generate 1.234500e+004
("f4"); //Generate 12345.0000
("x"); //Generate 3039 (hexadecimal)
("p"); //Generate 1,234,500.00%
4. Variable.Length numerical type
Take the string length:
For example: string str="China";
int Len = ; //Len is a custom variable, str is the variable name of the string to be tested
5. (Variable)
Word code conversion to bitcode
For example: byte[] bytStr = (str);
Then you can get the bit length:
len = ;
Add strings (Is the + sign the same?)
For example: sb = new ("");
7. Variable.Substring(parameter 1, parameter 2);
Intercept part of the string, parameter 1 is the number of left starting digits, and parameter 2 is the number of intercepted digits.
For example: string s1 = (0,2);
8、String user_IP=["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
Get the remote user IP address
9. Go through the proxy server to get the real IP address of the remote user:
string user_IP=["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"].ToString();
string user_IP=["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
10. Session["variable"];
Access Session value;
For example, assignment: Session["username"]="Bash Jr.";
Value: Object objName=Session["username"];
String strName=();
Clear: ();
11. String str=["variable"];
Use hyperlink to transfer variables.
For example, build a hyperlink on any page: <a href=?fbid=23>Click</a>
Take the value in the page: String str=["fdid"];
12. DOC object.CreateElement("New node name");
Create a new XML document node
13. Parent node.AppendChild (child node);
Add the newly created child node to the parent node of the XML document
14. Parent node.RemoveChild(node);
Delete nodes
Output to the page.
("URL Address");
Jump to the page specified by the URL
16. (String variable, number of bits) - Logical type
Check whether the specified position is empty;
string str="Chinese people";
((str,2)); //The result is: True, the first character is 0 bits, and 2 is the third character.
17. ('character') --logical type
Check whether characters are punctuation marks
For example: (('A')); //Return: False
18. (int)'character'
Turn characters into numbers, check code points, and pay attention to single quotes.
((int)'Medium'); //The result is a Chinese word code: 20013
19. (char) code
Turn numbers into characters and check the characters represented by the code.
((char)22269); //Return to the word "country".
20、 Trim()
Clear the spaces before and after the string
21. String variable.Replace("substring","replace with")
String replacement
string str="China";
str=("Guo","Yang"); //Replace the character "Guo" with the character "Yang"; //Replace the character "Guo" with the character "Yang"); //
(str); //The output result is "central"
Another example: (This is very practical)
string str="This is a <script> script";
str=("<","<font><</font>"); //Replace the left angle bracket with <font> and < and </font> (or replace it with <, but it is estimated that after the XML is stored, it will still be restored if it is proposed)
(str); //Show as: "This is a <script> script"
If not replaced, <script> will not be displayed, if it is a script, it will be run; and after replacement, the script will not be run.
The value of this code is: you can invalidate all HTML tags in a text and display them all, protecting your interactive site.
Specific implementation: Add the following code to your form submit button script:
string strSubmit=; //label1 is the control ID that you ask the user to submit data.
Then save or output strSubmit.
This method can also be used to implement UBB code simply.
Take the maximum value between i and j
If int x=(5,10); // x will take the value 10
currentTime=new ();
1.1 Take the current year, month, day, hour, minute, and second
1.2 Take the current year
int year=;
1.3 Take the current month
int month=;
1.4 Take the current day
int day=;
1.5 Get the current time
when int =;
1.6 Get the current score
int points =;
1.7 Take the current second
int seconds=;
1.8 Take the current milliseconds
int milliseconds =;
(Variables are available in Chinese)
2. (Variable) ("Constant")
Character conversion to 32-bit numeric
3. Variable.ToString()
Character conversion to string
("n"); // Generate 12,345.00
("C"); //Generate ¥12,345.00
("e"); //Generate 1.234500e+004
("f4"); //Generate 12345.0000
("x"); //Generate 3039 (hexadecimal)
("p"); //Generate 1,234,500.00%
4. Variable.Length numerical type
Take the string length:
For example: string str="China";
int Len = ; //Len is a custom variable, str is the variable name of the string to be tested
5. (Variable)
Word code conversion to bitcode
For example: byte[] bytStr = (str);
Then you can get the bit length:
len = ;
Add strings (Is the + sign the same?)
For example: sb = new ("");
7. Variable.Substring(parameter 1, parameter 2);
Intercept part of the string, parameter 1 is the number of left starting digits, and parameter 2 is the number of intercepted digits.
For example: string s1 = (0,2);
8、String user_IP=["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
Get the remote user IP address
9. Go through the proxy server to get the real IP address of the remote user:
string user_IP=["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"].ToString();
string user_IP=["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
10. Session["variable"];
Access Session value;
For example, assignment: Session["username"]="Bash Jr.";
Value: Object objName=Session["username"];
String strName=();
Clear: ();
11. String str=["variable"];
Use hyperlink to transfer variables.
For example, build a hyperlink on any page: <a href=?fbid=23>Click</a>
Take the value in the page: String str=["fdid"];
12. DOC object.CreateElement("New node name");
Create a new XML document node
13. Parent node.AppendChild (child node);
Add the newly created child node to the parent node of the XML document
14. Parent node.RemoveChild(node);
Delete nodes
Output to the page.
("URL Address");
Jump to the page specified by the URL
16. (String variable, number of bits) - Logical type
Check whether the specified position is empty;
string str="Chinese people";
((str,2)); //The result is: True, the first character is 0 bits, and 2 is the third character.
17. ('character') --logical type
Check whether characters are punctuation marks
For example: (('A')); //Return: False
18. (int)'character'
Turn characters into numbers, check code points, and pay attention to single quotes.
((int)'Medium'); //The result is a Chinese word code: 20013
19. (char) code
Turn numbers into characters and check the characters represented by the code.
((char)22269); //Return to the word "country".
20、 Trim()
Clear the spaces before and after the string
21. String variable.Replace("substring","replace with")
String replacement
string str="China";
str=("Guo","Yang"); //Replace the character "Guo" with the character "Yang"; //Replace the character "Guo" with the character "Yang"); //
(str); //The output result is "central"
Another example: (This is very practical)
string str="This is a <script> script";
str=("<","<font><</font>"); //Replace the left angle bracket with <font> and < and </font> (or replace it with <, but it is estimated that after the XML is stored, it will still be restored if it is proposed)
(str); //Show as: "This is a <script> script"
If not replaced, <script> will not be displayed, if it is a script, it will be run; and after replacement, the script will not be run.
The value of this code is: you can invalidate all HTML tags in a text and display them all, protecting your interactive site.
Specific implementation: Add the following code to your form submit button script:
string strSubmit=; //label1 is the control ID that you ask the user to submit data.
Then save or output strSubmit.
This method can also be used to implement UBB code simply.
Take the maximum value between i and j
If int x=(5,10); // x will take the value 10