Updated on 2025-03-01

Implementation method of decimal retaining 2-digit valid decimal in C#

During the C# number calculation process, sometimes the calculation of the decimal type requires keeping 2-digit valid decimal. There are many ways to retain 2-digit valid decimal for the decimal variable.Methods and ToString are converted to strings and other operations to implement them.

(1) Method 1: Use the numbers in C# to calculate the methods and methods in the Math class.

Methods are methods used to calculate rounding, one of which is signed asdecimal Round(decimal d, int decimals), d represents the decimal variable to be calculated, and decimals represents the number of decimals reserved.

For example, there is a decimal type variable numDecimal=34.3471, and you need to keep 2 significant numbers for it, you can use the following statement:

decimal numDecimal = 34.3471M;
 numDecimal = (numDecimal, 2);

The calculation result is: 34.35, and the method performs rounding operation.

(2) Method 2: First use ToString to convert to a string, and then convert back to the decimal type.

When using this method, calling the ToString method will also perform rounding operations.

Continuing with the example in Method 1, if you use the ToString method, you can use the following program statement:

 decimal numDecimal = 34.3471M;
string numDecimalStr = ("#0.00");
numDecimal = (numDecimalStr);

The calculation result is: 34.35, ToString("#0.00") rounds the calculation result into a string.

(3) Method 3: First use the method to format the decimal type as a string, and then convert it to the decimal type.

When using this method, the calculation results will also be rounded up like the above two methods.

Continue with the example in Method 1. If you use the method, you can use the following program statement:

decimal numDecimal = 34.3471M;
string numDecimalStr = ("{0:N}", numDecimal);
numDecimal = (numDecimalStr);

ps: C# decimal type retains valid numbers after decimal point


decimal d=0.5000; 

This is also possible(“{0:0.##}”,d000)

.## means that at most 2 significant numbers are retained, but not 0, which means that if d=0.5000 above, it will only be 0.5 after it comes out, which is much more convenient.


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