This article describes the method of C# to read the registry and monitor the changes in the installed software of the current operating system. Share it for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:
private static HybridDictionary GetSoftName() { string strSoftName = ; HybridDictionary hdSoftName = new HybridDictionary(); /*Operate the contents of the registry node "Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall". RegistryKey Registry is the registry operation class*/ using (RegistryKey key = (@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", false)) { if (key != null) { foreach (string keyName in ()) { using (RegistryKey key2 = (keyName, false)) { if (key2 != null) { string softwareName = (("DisplayName"));//Get DisplayName. If a value exists, the software is installed in the system. //string installLocation = ("InstallLocation", "").ToString();//Software installation path if (!(softwareName)) { if (!(softwareName)) { (softwareName, );//Prefer software name as the key of the collection } } } } } } } return hdSoftName; }
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's C# programming.