Updated on 2025-03-01

Share the main implementation code of C# operation memory reading and writing method

//C# read memory example

 using System;
 using ;
 using ;
 using ;
 using ;
 using ;

 publicclass key
         constuint PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS =0x001F0FFF;
         constuint KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY =0x1;
         constuint KEYEVENTF_KEYUP =0x2;
         privatereadonlyint MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN =0x2;
         privatereadonlyint MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP =0x4;
         constuint KBC_KEY_CMD =0x64;
         constuint KBC_KEY_DATA =0x60;
//The function that gets the form handle, the FindWindow function is used to return the window handle that matches the specified class name (ClassName) and window name (WindowTitle)
         [DllImport("", CharSet = )]
         publicstaticextern IntPtr FindWindow(
         string lpClassName, // pointer to class name
         string lpWindowName // pointer to window name
         privatestaticexternint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr id, int pid);

         privatestaticexternvoid CloseHandle
         uint hObject //Handle to object
// Functions that read process memory
         staticexternbool ReadProcessMemory(uint hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress,
         IntPtr lpBuffer, uint nSize, refuint lpNumberOfBytesRead);
//The function to get the target process handle
         publicstaticexternuint OpenProcess(uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwProcessId);
//Mouse event statement
         staticexternbool setcursorpos(int x, int y);
         staticexternvoid mouse_event(mouseeventflag flags, int dx, int dy, uint data, UIntPtr extrainfo);
//Keyboard event statement
         staticexternbyte MapVirtualKey(byte wCode, int wMap);
         staticexternshort GetKeyState(int nVirtKey);
         staticexternvoid keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, uint dwFlags, uint dwExtraInfo);
//Keyboard event declaration winio
         publicstaticexternbool InitializeWinIo();
         publicstaticexternbool GetPortVal(IntPtr wPortAddr, outint pdwPortVal, byte bSize);
         publicstaticexternbool SetPortVal(uint wPortAddr, IntPtr dwPortVal, byte bSize);
         publicstaticexternbyte MapPhysToLin(byte pbPhysAddr, uint dwPhysSize, IntPtr PhysicalMemoryHandle);
         publicstaticexternbool UnmapPhysicalMemory(IntPtr PhysicalMemoryHandle, byte pbLinAddr);
         publicstaticexternbool GetPhysLong(IntPtr pbPhysAddr, byte pdwPhysVal);
         publicstaticexternbool SetPhysLong(IntPtr pbPhysAddr, byte dwPhysVal);
         publicstaticexternvoid ShutdownWinIo();


/// Get the process pid
         ///<param name="name"></param>
         privateint pid(String name)
                 ObjectQuery oQuery =new ObjectQuery("select * from Win32_Process where Name='"+ name +"'");
                 ManagementObjectSearcher oSearcher =new ManagementObjectSearcher(oQuery);
                 ManagementObjectCollection oReturnCollection = ();

                 string pid ="";
                 string cmdLine;
                 StringBuilder sb =new StringBuilder();
                 foreach (ManagementObject oReturn in oReturnCollection)
                     pid = ("ProcessId").ToString();
                     //cmdLine = (string)("CommandLine");

                     //string pattern = "-ap \"(.*)\"";
                     //Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, );
                     // Match match = (cmdLine);
                     //string appPoolName = [1].ToString();
                     //(" PID: {0} AppPoolId:{1}\r\n", pid, appPoolName);
                return Convert.ToInt32(pid);
            catch (Exception ss)
            { return0; }

        privateint pid(IntPtr id)
            int pid =0;
            pid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(id, pid);
/// Read memory value
///<param name="name">process id</param>
///<param name="dizhi">Read memory address</param>
        //public String getread(String QEC,String EC, IntPtr dizhi, uint size)
        // Byte bt = new Byte();
        // IntPtr id=FindWindow(QEC, EC);
        // uint hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, pid(id));
        // IntPtr fanhui = new IntPtr();
        // String gg = null;
        // if (hProcess == 0)
        // {
        //// gg = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, dizhi, fanhui, size, 0);
        //// CloseHandle(hProcess);

        // }
        // return gg;
        public String getread(String jincheng, String EC, IntPtr dizhi, uint size)
            byte[] vBuffer =newbyte[4];
IntPtr vBytesAddress = (vBuffer, 0); // Get the address of the buffer

            uint vNumberOfBytesRead =0;
            Byte bt =new Byte();
            //IntPtr id = FindWindow(QEC, EC);
            uint hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, pid(jincheng));
            IntPtr fanhui =new IntPtr();
            String gg =null;
            //if (hProcess == 0)
            if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, dizhi, vBytesAddress, (uint), ref hProcess))

            // }
            int vInt = Marshal.ReadInt32(vBytesAddress);
            return ();
/// Get keyboard status
        ///<param name="Key"></param>
        publicbool GetState(VirtualKeys Key)
            return (GetKeyState((int)Key) ==1);
/// Send keyboard events
        publicvoid Send(VirtualKeys Key, bool State)
            if (State != GetState(Key))
                byte a = MapVirtualKey((byte)Key, 0);
                keybd_event((byte)Key, MapVirtualKey((byte)Key, 0), 0, 0);
                keybd_event((byte)Key, MapVirtualKey((byte)Key, 0), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
/// Initialize winio
        publicvoid sendwinio()
            if (InitializeWinIo())
privatevoid KBCWait4IBE() //Waiting for the keyboard buffer to be empty
            //int[] dwVal = new int[] { 0 };
            int dwVal =0;
//This sentence means reading a byte from the &H64 port and putting the read data into the variable dwVal
//The usage of the GetPortVal function is the GetPortVal port number, which stores the variables that read out the data and the length of the read in
                bool flag = GetPortVal((IntPtr)0x64, out dwVal, 1);
            while ((dwVal &0x2) >0);
/// Press the analog keyboard
        ///<param name="vKeyCoad"></param>
        publicvoid MykeyDown(int vKeyCoad)
            int btScancode =0;

            btScancode = MapVirtualKey((byte)vKeyCoad, 0);
            // btScancode = vKeyCoad;

KBCWait4IBE(); // 'Before sending data, you should wait for the keyboard buffer to be empty
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_CMD, (IntPtr)0xD2, 1);// 'Send keyboard write command
//SetPortVal function is used to write data to the port. Its usage is SetPortVal port number, the data to be written, the length of the data written
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_DATA, (IntPtr)0xe2, 1);// 'Write key information, press key
KBCWait4IBE(); // 'Before sending data, you should wait for the keyboard buffer to be empty
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_CMD, (IntPtr)0xD2, 1);// 'Send keyboard write command
//SetPortVal function is used to write data to the port. Its usage is SetPortVal port number, the data to be written, the length of the data written
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_DATA, (IntPtr)btScancode, 1);// 'Write key information, press key

/// Simulate keyboard pop-up
        ///<param name="vKeyCoad"></param>
        publicvoid MykeyUp(int vKeyCoad)
            int btScancode =0;
            btScancode = MapVirtualKey((byte)vKeyCoad, 0);
            //btScancode = vKeyCoad;

KBCWait4IBE(); // 'Before sending data, you should wait for the keyboard buffer to be empty
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_CMD, (IntPtr)0xD2, 1); //'Send keyboard write command
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_DATA, (IntPtr)0xe0, 1);// 'Write key information, release key
KBCWait4IBE(); // 'Before sending data, you should wait for the keyboard buffer to be empty
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_CMD, (IntPtr)0xD2, 1); //'Send keyboard write command
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_DATA, (IntPtr)btScancode, 1);// 'Write key information, release key
/// Press the simulated mouse
        ///<param name="vKeyCoad"></param>
        publicvoid MyMouseDown(int vKeyCoad)
            int btScancode =0;

            btScancode = MapVirtualKey((byte)vKeyCoad, 0);
            //btScancode = vKeyCoad;

KBCWait4IBE(); // 'Before sending data, you should wait for the keyboard buffer to be empty
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_CMD, (IntPtr)0xD3, 1);// 'Send keyboard write command
//SetPortVal function is used to write data to the port. Its usage is SetPortVal port number, the data to be written, the length of the data written
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_DATA, (IntPtr)(btScancode |0x80), 1);// 'Write key information, press key

/// Simulate mouse pop-up
        ///<param name="vKeyCoad"></param>
        publicvoid MyMouseUp(int vKeyCoad)
            int btScancode =0;
            btScancode = MapVirtualKey((byte)vKeyCoad, 0);
            // btScancode = vKeyCoad;

KBCWait4IBE(); // 'Before sending data, you should wait for the keyboard buffer to be empty
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_CMD, (IntPtr)0xD3, 1); //'Send keyboard write command
SetPortVal(KBC_KEY_DATA, (IntPtr)(btScancode |0x80), 1);// 'Write key information, release key
/// Send mouse event
        publicvoid SendMouse()

/// Mouse action enumeration
        publicenum mouseeventflag : uint
            move =0x0001,
            leftdown =0x0002,
            leftup =0x0004,
            rightdown =0x0008,
            rightup =0x0010,
            middledown =0x0020,
            middleup =0x0040,
            xdown =0x0080,
            xup =0x0100,
            wheel =0x0800,
            virtualdesk =0x4000,
            absolute =0x8000
/// Keyboard action enumeration
        publicenum VirtualKeys : byte
//VK_NUMLOCK = 0x90, //Number lock key
//VK_SCROLL = 0x91, //Scroll Lock
//VK_CAPITAL = 0x14, //Case lock
//VK_A = 62, //Keyboard A
VK_LBUTTON =1, //Left mouse button
VK_RBUTTON =2, //Right mouse button
VK_CANCEL =3, //Ctrl+Break (usually no processing is required)
VK_MBUTTON =4, //Middle mouse button
            VK_BACK =8,   //Backspace
            VK_TAB =9, //Tab
VK_CLEAR =12, //Num Lock is closed with numeric keypad 5
VK_RETURN =13, //Enter (or another)
VK_SHIFT =16, //Shift (or another)
VK_CONTROL =17, //Ctrl (or another)
VK_MENU =18,//Alt (or another)
            VK_PAUSE =19,  //Pause
            VK_CAPITAL =20, //Caps Lock
            VK_ESCAPE =27, //Esc
            VK_SPACE =32,  //Spacebar
            VK_PRIOR =33,  //Page Up
            VK_NEXT =34,//Page Down
            VK_END =35, //End
            VK_HOME =36,//Home
VK_LEFT =37, //Left arrow
VK_UP =38, //Up arrow
VK_RIGHT =39, //Right arrow
VK_DOWN =40, //Down arrow
VK_SELECT =41, //Optional
VK_PRINT =42, //Optional
VK_EXECUTE =43, //Optional
            VK_SNAPSHOT =44,//Print Screen
            VK_INSERT =45, //Insert
            VK_DELETE =46, //Delete
VK_HELP =47, //Optional
            VK_NUM0 =48, //0
            VK_NUM1 =49, //1
            VK_NUM2 =50, //2
            VK_NUM3 =51, //3
            VK_NUM4 =52, //4
            VK_NUM5 =53, //5
            VK_NUM6 =54, //6
            VK_NUM7 =55, //7
            VK_NUM8 =56, //8
            VK_NUM9 =57, //9
            VK_A =65, //A
            VK_B =66, //B
            VK_C =67, //C
            VK_D =68, //D
            VK_E =69, //E
            VK_F =70, //F
            VK_G =71, //G
            VK_H =72, //H
            VK_I =73, //I
            VK_J =74, //J
            VK_K =75, //K
            VK_L =76, //L
            VK_M =77, //M
            VK_N =78, //N
            VK_O =79, //O
            VK_P =80, //P
            VK_Q =81, //Q
            VK_R =82, //R
            VK_S =83, //S
            VK_T =84, //T
            VK_U =85, //U
            VK_V =86, //V
            VK_W =87, //W
            VK_X =88, //X
            VK_Y =89, //Y
            VK_Z =90, //Z
            VK_NUMPAD0 =96, //0
            VK_NUMPAD1 =97, //1
            VK_NUMPAD2 =98, //2
            VK_NUMPAD3 =99, //3
            VK_NUMPAD4 =100, //4
            VK_NUMPAD5 =101, //5
            VK_NUMPAD6 =102, //6
            VK_NUMPAD7 =103, //7
            VK_NUMPAD8 =104, //8
            VK_NUMPAD9 =105, //9
VK_NULTIPLY =106, //* on the numeric keypad
VK_ADD =107,//+ on the numeric keypad
VK_SEPARATOR =108, //Optional
VK_SUBTRACT =109, //On the numeric keypad-
VK_DECIMAL =110,//On the numeric keypad.
VK_DIVIDE =111, //On the numeric keypad/
            VK_F1 =112,
            VK_F2 =113,
            VK_F3 =114,
            VK_F4 =115,
            VK_F5 =116,
            VK_F6 =117,
            VK_F7 =118,
            VK_F8 =119,
            VK_F9 =120,
            VK_F10 =121,
            VK_F11 =122,
            VK_F12 =123,
            VK_NUMLOCK =144,//Num Lock
            VK_SCROLL =145   // Scroll Lock