Without further ado, please see the code:
public FileResult GetExcelFile() { if (Session["beginDate"] != null) { string bdate = Session["beginDate"].ToString(); DateTime ld = (Session["lastDate"].ToString()); DateTime ldate = (1); string lldate = ("yyyy-MM-dd"); int ptkey = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Process_PTR"]); string proceSql = "select * from Assay_Process where RKEY="+ptkey; DataTable proceDt = (proceSql); IDataParameter[] iDataTitle = new SqlParameter[3]; iDataTitle[0] = new SqlParameter("@BeginDate", bdate); iDataTitle[1] = new SqlParameter("@LastDate", lldate); iDataTitle[2] = new SqlParameter("@RKEY", ptkey); DataSet dtTitle = ("pro_GetAssalyInfoByExportPrint", iDataTitle); DataTable dt = [0]; string outStr = (dt); byte[] fileContents = Encoding.(()); return File(fileContents, "application/ms-excel", "" + [0]["ProcessName"].ToString().Trim() + "Test documents(" + () + "-" + () + ").xls"); } else { string qua_no = Session["quano"].ToString(); IDataParameter[] iDataTitle = new SqlParameter[1]; iDataTitle[0] = new SqlParameter("@Qua_no", qua_no); DataSet dtTitle = ("pro_GetAssalyInfoByQua_No", iDataTitle); DataTable dt = [0]; string outStr = (dt); byte[] fileContents = Encoding.(()); return File(fileContents, "application/ms-excel", "Test documents(" + qua_no.Trim()+ ").xls"); } }
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