Updated on 2025-03-01

C# realizes the conversion of Chinese characters into a background of lattice characters by field character jpg picture

using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;

namespace text image generation program
    static class Program
        /// <summary>
/// The main entry point of the application.
        /// </summary>
       static void checkdir()
            string path="C:\\Users\\Default\\tran";
if (!(path))//Judge whether the directory exists
        static void Main()
            (new Form1());


    class Program1
        private float hor=0.46f;//
        public static string src = null;
        public void setting(float[] z)
= z[5];//Text ratio

//Line proportions
//Dashed line ratio
//Shape and thickness ratio
//Up and down position
//Left and left positions
//Border border bool
        public void CreateImage(string lf,string content,int w,Color gezi,Color bg,Color ziti_a,Color ziti_b,string ziti,bool flag_b)

            Font font;
//Create a bitmap object
            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(w, w);
//Create Graphics
            Graphics g = (image);
//Clear the background color of the picture
                if (!flag_b)
                    font = new Font(ziti, w * 0.65f);
                    font = new Font(ziti, w * 0.65f, ());
                . brush = new .(new Rectangle(0, 0, , ), ziti_a, ziti_b, 4.0f, true);
//Draw the border line of the picture
                (new Pen(gezi, w * 0.007f), w * 0.03f, w * 0.03f, w * 0.94f, w * 0.94f);
//Draw a dotted line
                Pen pen1 = new Pen(gezi, w * 0.007f);
                = .;
                = new float[] { w * 0.012f, w * 0.008f };
                (pen1, w * 0.03f, w * 0.03f, w * 0.97f, w * 0.97f);
                (pen1, w * 0.97f, w * 0.03f, w * 0.03f, w * 0.97f);
                (pen1, w * 0.03f, w * 0.5f, w * 0.97f, w * 0.5f);
                (pen1, w * 0.5f, w * 0.03f, w * 0.5f, w * 0.97f);
                StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
                = ;
                = ;

                (content, font, brush, w*hor, w * 0.63f, sf);
                src = lf + content + ".jpg";



