Updated on 2025-03-01

C# Implementation method for obtaining hardware parameters

C# Implementation method for obtaining hardware parameters

Sample code:

private static string GetIdentifier(string wmiClass, string wmiProperty, string wmiMustBeTrue) 
      string result = ""; 
       mc = new (wmiClass); 
       moc = (); 
      foreach ( mo in moc) 
        if (mo[wmiMustBeTrue].ToString() == "True") 
          //Only get the first one 
          if (result == "") 
              result = mo[wmiProperty].ToString(); 
      return result; 
    private static string GetIdentifier(string wmiClass, string wmiProperty) 
      string result = ""; 
       mc = new (wmiClass); 
       moc = (); 
      foreach ( mo in moc) 
        //Only get the first one 
        if (result == "") 
            result = mo[wmiProperty].ToString(); 
      return result; 
// cpu id  
GetIdentifier("Win32_Processor", "UniqueId"); 
//processor id 
GetIdentifier("Win32_Processor", "ProcessorId"); 
//processor name 
GetIdentifier("Win32_Processor", "Name"); 
GetIdentifier("Win32_Processor", "Manufacturer"); 
//BIOS Identifier 
    private static string GetBiosId() 
      return GetIdentifier("Win32_BIOS", "Manufacturer") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_BIOS", "SMBIOSBIOSVersion") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_BIOS", "IdentificationCode") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_BIOS", "SerialNumber") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_BIOS", "ReleaseDate") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_BIOS", "Version"); 
    //Main physical hard drive ID 
    private static string GetDiskId() 
      return GetIdentifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "Model") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "Manufacturer") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "Signature") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "TotalHeads"); 
    //Motherboard ID 
    private static string GetBaseId() 
      return GetIdentifier("Win32_BaseBoard", "Model") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_BaseBoard", "Manufacturer") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_BaseBoard", "Name") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_BaseBoard", "SerialNumber"); 
    //Primary video controller ID 
    private static string GetVideoId() 
      return GetIdentifier("Win32_VideoController", "DriverVersion") 
      + GetIdentifier("Win32_VideoController", "Name"); 
    //First enabled network card ID 
    private static string GetMacId() 
      return GetIdentifier("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration", "MACAddress", "IPEnabled"); 

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