Android's drop-down refresh, pull-up loading function, displays the content from page 1 to the current page when turning page, and the content of the current page is currently displayed;
: Page Turning Control
public class PullRefreshRecyclerView extends LinearLayout implements , { private SwipeRefreshLayout swipeRefreshLayout; private RecyclerView recyclerView; private LinearLayout footerView; private OnPullRefreshListener listener; //Is it refreshing? private boolean isRefreshing = false; //Is it loading private boolean isLoading = false; //Is there more data private boolean hasMore = false; public PullRefreshRecyclerView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public PullRefreshRecyclerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initView(context); initListener(); init(); } private void initView(Context context) { (context).inflate(.pull_recycler_layout, this, true); swipeRefreshLayout = findViewById(); recyclerView = findViewById(); footerView = findViewById(); } private void initListener() { (this); (new PullableScroll()); //Prevent the view from sliding when scrolling (this); } private void init() { (.holo_green_dark, .holo_blue_dark, .holo_orange_dark); //Hide vertical scroll bar (true); // When the item height is fixed, set this option to improve performance (true); //Set item animation effect (new DefaultItemAnimator()); } public void setHasFixedSize(boolean hasFixedSize) { (hasFixedSize); } public void setItemAnimator( animator) { (animator); } public void setLayoutManager( layout) { (layout); } public void setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(boolean verticalScrollBarEnabled) { (verticalScrollBarEnabled); } public void addItemDecoration( decor) { (decor); } public void setAdapter( adapter) { (adapter); } /** * Settings listening for pull-down or pull-up events * * @param listener */ public void setOnPullRefreshListener(OnPullRefreshListener listener) { = listener; } /** * Set whether there is more data * * @param hasMore */ public void setHasMore(boolean hasMore) { = hasMore; } /** * Scroll to top */ public void scrollToTop() { (0); } /** * Refreshing */ @Override public void onRefresh() { isRefreshing = true; if (listener != null) { (); } } /** * Set whether to allow pull-down * * @param enable */ public void setRefreshEnable(boolean enable) { (enable); } /** * Check whether it can be refreshed when scrolling * * @return */ private boolean isRefreshEnable() { return !isRefreshing && !isLoading; } /** * Loading more */ public void doLoadMore() { if (!isLoading && hasMore && !isRefreshing) { (); isLoading = true; //Pull pull-down is prohibited setRefreshEnable(false); if (listener != null) { (); } } } /** * Refresh or loading is complete */ public void refreshOrLoadComplete() { isRefreshing = false; (false); isLoading = false; (); //Add to pull down (true); } @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return isRefreshing || isLoading; } public interface OnPullRefreshListener { /** * Refresh operation */ void onRefresh(); /** * Loading operation */ void onLoadMore(); } /** * Listen to RecycleView slides the bottom or top */ class PullableScroll extends { @Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { (recyclerView, dx, dy); int lastVisibleItem = 0; int firstVisibleItem = 0; layoutManager = (); int totalItemCount = (); if (layoutManager instanceof LinearLayoutManager) { LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = (LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager; lastVisibleItem = (); firstVisibleItem = (); } else if (layoutManager instanceof StaggeredGridLayoutManager) { StaggeredGridLayoutManager staggeredGridLayoutManager = (StaggeredGridLayoutManager) layoutManager; // since may lead to the final item has more than one StaggeredGridLayoutManager the particularity of the so here that is an array // this array into an array of position and then take the maximum value that is the last show the position value int[] lastPositions = new int[((StaggeredGridLayoutManager) layoutManager).getSpanCount()]; (lastPositions); lastVisibleItem = findMax(lastPositions); firstVisibleItem = (lastPositions)[0]; } pullRefreshEnable(firstVisibleItem, totalItemCount); if (isSlideToBottom(recyclerView)) { loadMore(dx, dy, lastVisibleItem, totalItemCount); } } private int findMax(int[] lastPositions) { int max = lastPositions[0]; for (int value : lastPositions) { if (value > max) { max = value; } } return max; } } /** * Determine whether it slides to the bottom * * @param recyclerView * @return */ public boolean isSlideToBottom(RecyclerView recyclerView) { if (recyclerView == null) { return false; } if (() + () >= ()) { return true; } return false; } private void loadMore(int dx, int dy, int lastVisibleItem, int totalItemCount) { //When scrolling to the bottom, more data can be loaded and loaded if (lastVisibleItem >= totalItemCount - 1 && (dx > 0 || dy > 0)) { doLoadMore(); } } private void pullRefreshEnable(int firstVisibleItem, int totalItemCount) { //Can be able to pull down and refresh when scrolling to the top if (firstVisibleItem == 0 || totalItemCount == 0) { if (isRefreshEnable()) { //Add to pull down setRefreshEnable(true); } } else { //Pull pull-down is prohibited setRefreshEnable(false); } } }
: Call
@Route(path = Page.ACTIVITY_PUNISH_LIST) public class PunishListActivity extends BaseActivity implements , { private static final String TAG = "PunishListActivity"; private List<PunishBean> punishBeans = new ArrayList<>(); private Context mContext; private EditText et_punish_searchName; private ImageView iv_search; private PullRefreshRecyclerView prr_punish; private String officeName = ""; private int pageNo = 1; private boolean isLastPage = false; private PunishAdapter punishAdapter; @Override public void onBeforeSetContentView() { (this, (this, .color_0a5fb6)); } @Override public int getLayoutResID() { return .activity_punish_list; } @Override protected CharSequence setActionBarTitle() { return "Administrative Penalty"; } @Nullable @Override public AppBarConfig getAppBarConfig() { return mAppBarCompat; } @Override public int setActionBarRightVisibility() { return ; } @Override public CharSequence setActionBarRightText() { return "Add to"; } public void onResume(){ (); getPunishList(""); } @Override public void initContentView(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { mContext = ; et_punish_searchName = findViewById(.et_punish_searchName); iv_search = findViewById(.iv_search); iv_search.setOnClickListener(this); prr_punish = findViewById(.prr_punish); prr_punish.setOnPullRefreshListener(this); prr_punish.setHasMore(true); } @Override public void initData(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { punishAdapter = new PunishAdapter(mContext,punishBeans); LinearLayoutManager manager = new LinearLayoutManager(mContext); (); prr_punish.setLayoutManager(manager); prr_punish.setAdapter(punishAdapter); // getPunishList(); } private void getPunishList(String officeName){ HashMap<String, Object> baseParam = (); ("pageNo", pageNo); ("pageSize", 10); ("officeName", officeName); (TAG, WebApi.PUNISH_LIST_URL, baseParam, new StringCallback() { @Override public void onError(Call call, Exception e, int id) { hideWaitDialog(); (TAG,""+e); } @Override public void onResponse(String response, int id) { (TAG,"response==="+response); try { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(response); hideWaitDialog(); if ((int)("code") == 200) { JSONObject object1 = ("data"); PunishBeanList punishBeanList = new Gson().fromJson((),); (TAG,"response==="+().size()); if (pageNo == 1) { (); } if (() != null && ().size() != 0) { List<PunishBean> addPunishs = new ArrayList<>(); addPunishs = (); if (() > 0) { (addPunishs); (addPunishs); } else { punishBeans = addPunishs; (addPunishs); } if (()) { isLastPage = true; (TAG,"isLastPage = true "); }else { isLastPage = false; (TAG,"isLastPage = false "); } } } else { (mContext,("message").toString(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } catch (JSONException e) { (); } } }); } @Override protected void actionBarRightOnClick() { ().build(Page.ACTIVITY_PUNISH_ADD).navigation(); } @Override public void onClick(View view) { switch (()) { case .iv_search: showWaitDialog(); officeName = et_punish_searchName.getText().toString(); pageNo = 1; isLastPage = false; getPunishList(officeName); break; } } @Override public void onRefresh() { prr_punish.refreshOrLoadComplete(); pageNo = 1; getPunishList(officeName); prr_punish.setRefreshEnable(true); } @Override public void onLoadMore() { (TAG,"onLoadMore==================="); prr_punish.refreshOrLoadComplete(); if (isLastPage) { prr_punish.setRefreshEnable(false); } else { pageNo += 1; getPunishList(officeName); } } }
public class PunishAdapter extends <> { private Context mContext; private List<PunishBean> punishList; public PunishAdapter(Context mContext, List<PunishBean> punishList) { = mContext; = punishList; } @NonNull @Override public onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { View view = (mContext).inflate(.punish_item,parent,false); PunishHolder punishHolder = new PunishHolder(view); return punishHolder; } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull holder, int position) { PunishBean punishBean = (position); PunishHolder punishHolder = (PunishHolder) holder; punishHolder.tv_punishName.setText(()); punishHolder.tv_faren.setText(()); punishHolder.tv_punishMode.setText(()); punishHolder.tv_punishReason.setText(()); punishHolder.tv_punishTime.setText(()); punishHolder.tv_punishDesc.setText(()); (new () { @Override public void onClick(View view) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); ("punishDetail",punishBean); ().build(Page.ACTIVITY_PUNISH_DETAIL).with(bundle).navigation(); } }); } /* * Add data to the end of the list * */ public void addMoreData(List<PunishBean> list) { int oldSize = (); if (list != null && () > 0) { ((), list); notifyItemRangeInserted(oldSize, ()); } } /* * Fill in new data * */ public void setData(List<PunishBean> data) { if (data != null && () > 0) { (); (data); notifyDataSetChanged(); } } @Override public int getItemCount() { return punishList==null? 0:(); } class PunishHolder extends { private TextView tv_punishName,tv_faren,tv_punishMode,tv_punishReason,tv_punishTime,tv_punishDesc; public PunishHolder(@NonNull View itemView) { super(itemView); tv_punishName = (.tv_punishName); tv_faren = (.tv_faren); tv_punishMode = (.tv_punishMode); tv_punishReason = (.tv_punishReason); tv_punishTime = (.tv_punishTime); tv_punishDesc = (.tv_punishDesc); } } }
4. Layout file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:andro xmlns:app="/apk/res-auto" xmlns:tools="/tools" android:fitsSystemWindows="true" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_margin="@dimen/px40" android:background="@color/color_ffffff" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context="."> <RelativeLayout android: android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/px20" android:layout_height="103px" android:background="@drawable/bg_radius_blue"> <EditText android: android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_marginStart="@dimen/px44" android:layout_marginEnd="@dimen/px110" android:background="@null" android:hint="Please enter the unit name" android:inputType="text" android:textColor="@color/color_hint" android:textColorHint="@color/color_hint" android:textSize="@dimen/font_14" /> <ImageView android: android:layout_width="@dimen/px54" android:layout_height="@dimen/px54" android:layout_alignParentEnd="true" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_marginEnd="@dimen/px50" android:src="@drawable/icon_text_search" /> </RelativeLayout> < android: android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/> </LinearLayout>
This article has been sorted out"Android drop-down refresh pull-up loading effect", everyone is welcome to study and research.
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