Updated on 2025-03-02

Detailed explanation of the use of AsyncTask in Android

Detailed explanation of the use of AsyncTask in Android

1. First, let’s take a look at the introduction of AsyncTask:

Handler and AsyncTask are both methods used in android to implement asynchronous task processing; among them:

The Handler instance sends a message to the UI thread to complete the interface update,

Advantages: relatively fine control of the entire process;
Disadvantages: The code is relatively bloated, and it is difficult to accurately control threads when multiple tasks are executed at the same time;

AsyncTask: is lighter than Handler, suitable for simple asynchronous processing;

Advantages: Simple | Quick | Controllable process;
Disadvantages: It becomes complicated when using multiple asynchronous operations;

2. Definition of AsyncTask: (AsyncTask defines three generic types)

  public abstract class AsyncTask<Params,Progress,Result>{...} 


Params: Input parameters for starting task execution, such as: URL for HTTP request;
Progress: The percentage of background tasks executed;
Result: The final result returned by the background task execution, such as String;

3. The execution steps of AsyncTask asynchronous tasks: (The following method is executed (Params... params), rewritten in AsyncTask), the following is an introduction to the relevant methods:

    A、execute(Params... params) : 

Execute an asynchronous task, we need to call it in the UI thread to trigger the task


Execute(Params... params) is executed immediately after the call, which is generally used to mark the UI before executing background tasks; for example, the progress dialog box can be displayed here;

    C、doInBackground(Params.. params): 

onPreExecute() is executed after completion, in the background, and is time-consuming to process; the UI cannot be operated here, and publishProgress(Progress... values) is called during execution to update progress information;

    D、onProgressUpdate(Progress... values): 

When calling the publicshProgress(Progress... values) method to execute, the progress information is directly updated to the UI assembly; this method is executed on the main thread and is used to display the progress of task execution;

    E、onPostExecute(Result result): 

This method is executed in the main thread. When the background operation is finished, this method will be called. The calculation result is passed to this method as a parameter, and the result is displayed directly on the UI assembly.

    F、cancel(); : 

Cancel an executing task, complete it in the UI thread, and call it with the AsyncTask object, with the parameter true/false;

4. Things to note when using AsyncTask:

A. Asynchronous task instances must be created in the UI thread;
B. execute(Params... params) method must be called in the UI thread;
C. Do not manually adjust the methods onPreExecute().doInBackground().onProgressUpdate().onPostExecute();
D. Component information cannot be changed in doInBackground(Params... params);
E. A task instance can only be executed once, and an exception will be thrown if executed the second time;

5. Case: Use AsyncTask to achieve image download:

Activity class, the entrance to the main program:

  public class MainActivity extends Activity { 
  // Program entry  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
    MyAsyncTask my = new MyAsyncTask(); 

AsyncTask derived classes to implement asynchronous tasks:

  package ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
import ; 
  * Asynchronous tasks to achieve the acquisition of web page content
  * After generating an object of this class and calling the execute method
  * The first thing to execute is the onProExecute() method,
  * The second execution of doInBackground() method
public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask&lt;String, Integer, Bitmap&gt; { 
    * Execute immediately after the execute() method is executed and run in the UI thread.
    * Execute before the background task begins to identify the UI interface
  protected void onPreExecute() { 
    * Time-consuming tasks in the background;
    * The String parameter in the method corresponds to the first parameter of AsyncTask;
    * The returned Bitmap corresponds to the third parameter of AsyncTask;
    * This method does not run in UI threads and is mainly used for asynchronous operations. You can call the publishProgress() method to trigger it.
    * onProgressUpdate operates on the UI;
  protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... params) { 
    ("msg","doInBackground(String... params)..."); 
    try { 
      /* Network access method 2 */ 
       URL url = new URL(params[0]);
       HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) ();
       (); // Start connection
       int zong = ();
       InputStream is2 = ();
      /* Start network access data */ 
      HttpGet hg = new HttpGet(params[0]); // Pay attention to the usage of parameters here      HttpClient hc = new DefaultHttpClient(); 
      HttpResponse hr = (hg); // Send a request and get a response 
      // Determine whether the request is successful      if(().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK){ 
        ("msg", "access success..."); 
        HttpEntity he = (); 
        InputStream is = (); // Get the input stream object, like a bridge        long total = (); // Total bytes of the file 
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Output stream, temporary container, used to load data flowing from is 
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; // Cache container, load 1024 bytes of data each time        int len = 0; // Number of bytes read each time        int curLen = 0 ; // How much data has been read 
        while((len=(buffer))!=-1){ // When len !=-1, there is still data to read          ("msg","begin read data..."+len+",total:"+total); 
          (buffer, 0, len); // Install data into temporary containers          curLen=curLen+len; // Update the read data 
          /* Display the current read progress in the UI, and the call method triggers the execution of the onProgressUpdate() method */ 
        Bitmap bitmap = ((), 0, (int)total); 
        return bitmap; 
    } catch (Exception e) { 
    return null; 
    * Parameters in brackets: String corresponds to the third parameter of AsyncTask, that is
    * Received the result returned from doInBackground();
    * This method is executed after the doInBackground() method is executed and runs in the UI thread.
    * Can update the UI
  protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap result) { 
    ("msg","onPostExecute(String result)..."+()); 
    * Integer in method brackets corresponds to the second parameter in AsyncTask;
    * Executes each time publishProgress() is called in doInBackground();
    * This method is in the UI thread, so it can be used to update the UI
  protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... values) { 
    ("msg","onProgressUpdate(Integer... values)..."+values[0]); 
    * Download pictures
  public HttpURLConnection downPic(String urltemp){ 
    try { 
      URL url = new URL(urltemp); // Determine the connection address      // Open a connection      HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) (); 
      (); // Start the connection      return connection; 
    } catch (Exception e) { 
    return null; 

The above is an application example of Android AsyncTask. If you have any questions, please leave a message or go to the community of this site to communicate and discuss. Thank you for reading. I hope it can help you. Thank you for your support for this site!