Updated on 2025-03-02

JS puzzle game Object-oriented, with complete annotations.

<title>JS puzzle game</title>
border-collapse: collapse;
JS original work: JS puzzle game<br>
Complete comments, object-oriented<br>
Please indicate the source from <a href="/sunxing007">/sunxing007</a><br>
<input type="text" value='3'/> row<input type="text" value='3'/> column&nbsp;&nbsp; <button > Start </button><br>
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<img id='img' src="http://img./online/pintu/" style="" /><br>
Please indicate the source for reprinting from <a href="/sunxing007">/sunxing007</a><br>
//The background image below ie7 will not be cached by default, causing delays and flickering, and fix this bug.
// (provided by /wtcsy/ by csdn netizen wtcsy)
("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
//Auxiliary function
    function $(id){return (id)};
* js puzzle game v1.6
* Author sunxing007
* Please indicate the source of /sunxing007 when reprinting
    var PicGame = {
//Line count
            x: 3,
//Number of columns
            y: 3,
//Picture source
            img: $('img'),
//Cell height
            cellHeight: 0,
//Cell width
            cellWidth: 0,
//The main object of this game is: table, each td corresponds to a small lattice that can be moved
            board: $('board'),
//Initial function
            init: function(){
//Determine the number of rows and columns of the puzzle game
                         = $('lines').value>1?$('lines').value : 3;
                         = $('cols').value>1?$('cols').value : 3;
//Delete the original row of the board
//Reconstruct the board according to the number of rows and columns
                        for(var i=0; i<; i++){
                                var tr = (-1);
                                for(var j=0; j<; j++){
                                        var td=(-1);
//Calculate cell height and width
                         = /;
                         = /;
//Get all tds
                        var tds = ('td');
//For each td, set style
                     for(var i=0; i<-1; i++){
                             tds[i]. = ;
                             tds[i]. = ;
                             tds[i]. = "url(" + + ")";
                             tds[i]. = "solid #ccc 1px";
                             var currLine = parseInt(i/);
                             var currCol = i%;
//The most important thing here is to calculate the location of the background image of each cell so that they look like an image
                             tds[i]. = - * currCol;
                             tds[i]. = - * currLine;
/** begin: disrupt sorting************************/
* Then I generate a target position for each td, which is less than 9 and is different,
* Then replace them to that place.

//Target position sequence
                     var index = [];
                     index[0] = (()*(*));
                     var num = (()*(*));
                     for(var i=0; i<; i++){
                     index[] = num;
                     // = index;
                     var cloneTds = [];
//Clone each td, and then replace it to the target position according to the index of the target position
                     for(var i=0; i<; i++){
                     for(var i=0; i<; i++){
/** end: disrupt sorting***************************/

//Add onclick event for each td.
                     tds = ('td');
                     for(var i=0; i<; i++){
                             tds[i].onclick = function(){
//Coordinates of the clicked object
                         var row = ;
                         var col = ;
                         // = "row:" + row + " col:" + col;
//Coordinates of blank squares
                         var rowBlank = 0;
                         var colBlank = 0;
//reachable indicates whether the currently clicked block is movable
                         var reachable = false;
                         if(row+1< && [row+1].cells[col]. == ''){
                         rowBlank = row + 1;
                         colBlank = col;
                         reachable = true;
                         // +=" reachable! rowBlank: " + rowBlank + " colBlank:" + colBlank;
                         else if(row-1>=0 && [row-1].cells[col]. == ''){
                         rowBlank = row - 1;
                         colBlank = col;
                         reachable = true;
                         // +=" reachable! rowBlank: " + rowBlank + " colBlank:" + colBlank;
                         else if(col+1< && [row].cells[col+1]. == ''){
                         rowBlank = row;
                         colBlank = col + 1;
                         reachable = true;
                         // +=" reachable! rowBlank: " + rowBlank + " colBlank:" + colBlank;
                         else if(col-1>=0 && [row].cells[col-1]. == ''){
                         rowBlank = row;
                         colBlank = col - 1;
                         reachable = true;
                         // +=" reachable! rowBlank: " + rowBlank + " colBlank:" + colBlank;
                         // +=" unreachable!";
                         reachable = false;
//If it is movable, exchange the current block and the blank block
                         var tmpBlankNode = [rowBlank].cells[colBlank].cloneNode(true);
//It should be noted that the cloned object has lost the onclick method, so it needs to be supplemented
                         = ;
                         var tmpCurrNode = [row].cells[col].cloneNode(true);
                         = ;
                         [row].cells[col].(tmpBlankNode, [row].cells[col]);
$('start').onclick = function(){