Updated on 2025-03-02

2048 mini games written using Javascript

Recently, I have been on a whim and the project is over. I will use JavaScript to write a small game and practice it. If I don’t write well, please give me criticism and suggestions.

The HTML code is as follows

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="utf-8" />
 <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
 <script src=""></script>
 <p>Score:<span ></span></p>
 <div >
 <!--Background grid-->
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <div  class="grid"></div>
 <!--Prospect grid-->
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div  class="cell"></div>
 <div ><!--Container containing both foreground and background-->
 <div><!--Translucent gray background--></div>
 <p><!--Small and medium window-->
  Game Over!<br>
  Score:<span ></span><br>
  <a class="button" onclick="()">Try again!</a>

The CSS code is as follows

@charset "utf-8";
 margin:0 auto;
.grid,.cell{width:100px; height:100px;
 margin:16px 0 0 16px;
 /*margin:16px 0 0 16px;
/*Score display*/
p{width:480px; margin:0 auto;
 font-size:40px; padding-top:15px;
/*Game Over*/
#gameOver{width:100%; height:100%;
 position:absolute; top:0; left:0;
#gameOver>div{width:100%; height:100%;
 background-color:#555; opacity:.5;
#gameOver>p{width:300px; height:200px;
 border:1px solid #edcf72;
 line-height:1.6em; text-align:center;
 background-color:#fff; border-radius:10px;
 position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%;
 margin-top:-135px; margin-left:-150px;
.button{padding:10px; border-radius:6px;
 background-color:#9f8b77; color:#fff;

The javascript code is as follows

var game={
 data:[],//Save a 2D array of all numbers rn:4, //Total number of rows cn:4, //Total number of columns state: 0, //The current status of the game: Running|GameOver RUNNING:1,
 score:0, //Fraction isGameOver:function(){//Judge the game status to end  //If it is not full, return false  if(!()){
   return false;
  }else{//otherwise   // Start from the first element in the upper left corner and traverse the two-dimensional array   for(var row=0;row<;row++){
    for(var col=0;col<;col++){
     //If the current element is not the rightmost element     if(col<-1){
     // If the current element == the right element      if([row][col]==
       return false;
     //If the current element is not the lowest element     if(row<-1){
     // If the current element == the following element      if([row][col]==
       return false;
   }return true;
 start:function(){//The game begins  =;
  //Find the game end interface and hide it  var div=("gameOver");
  =[//Initialize a two-dimensional array   [0,0,0,0],
  =0; //Reset the score to 0  /*for(var r=0;r<;r++){
    [r]=[];//Add each row array to an empty array
    for(var c=0;c<;c++){
     //Add default element 0 to the current empty row array
  //Generate 2 or 4 in two random positions  ();
  //Update the data to the page  ();
 isFull:function(){//Judge whether the current array is fullfor(var row=0;row&lt;;row++){//Transfer the two-dimensional array for(var col=0;col&lt;;col++){
  // Just find the current element ==0  if([row][col]==0){
   return false;
  //(If the loop exits normally)  return true;
 randomNum:function(){//Generate a number in a random empty position  if(!()){//If * is not full, only {   while(true){//Loop true    //0-3 randomly generates a row number row    var row=parseInt(()*);
    //0-3 randomly generates a column number col number col    var col=parseInt(()*);
    //If data[row][col]==0    if([row][col]==0){
    // ():&lt;0.5 &gt;=0.5
    //     2  4
    // Randomly generate a number <0.5?2:4,    // Put data[row][col]     [row][col]=
     break;//Exit the loop    }
//Put the numbers of each grid in the two-dimensional array into the foreground grid//Transfer through each element in a two-dimensional array, such as: row=2, col=3, 16for(var row=0;row&lt;;row++){
 for(var col=0;col&lt;;col++){
  /*All elements, attributes, and texts in the web page are objects*/
  var div=("c"+row+col);
  var curr=[row][col]; //Current element value  //Modify the content between the div start tag and the end tag  =curr!=0?curr:"";
  //Modify the class attribute of the div  =curr!=0?"cell n"+curr:"cell"
  // class
 var span=("score");
 //Judge and modify the game status to GAMEOVER if(()){
  var div=("gameOver");
  var span=("finalScore");
 //Modify the display sub-property under the style attribute of the div to "block"  ="block";
 },//The end of the updateView method /*Realize left shift*/
 /* Find the right side of the current position, *Next *not 0*/
  //Loop variable: nextc—> refers to the column subscript of the next element  //Start from col+1, traverse the remaining elements in the row line, <cn ends  for(var nextc=col+1;nextc&lt;;nextc++){
  // If the element traversed!=0   if([row][nextc]!=0){
  // Return nextc    return nextc;
  }return -1;//(The loop exits normally, just return -1 },
 /*Judge and move left *Specify each element in the specified row */
  //col starts at 0, iterates through each element in the row line, ends with <cn-1  for(var col=0;col&lt;-1;col++){
  // Get the subscript nextc of the current element that is not 0   var nextc=(row,col);
  // If nextc==-1, (it means there is no element with !=0 afterwards)   if(nextc==-1){
   }else{// Otherwise  // If the current position ==0,    if([row][col]==0){
  // Enter the value of the next position as the current position     [row][col]=
  // The next position is set to 0     [row][nextc]=0;
     col--;//Let col back up and check again    }else if([row][col]==
  // Otherwise, if the current position == nextc position  // Set the current position *=2;     [row][col]*=2;
  // The next position is set to 0;     [row][nextc]=0;
  // Add the value of the current position to score     +=[row][col];
 /*Move all rows*/
  var oldStr=();
  //Loop through each row  for(var row=0;row&lt;;row++){
  // Call moveLeftInRow method and pass the current line number row   (row);
  }//(After the loop is over)  var newStr=();
   //Call randomNum() to generate a random number   ();
   //Call updateView() to update the page   ();
  var oldStr=();
  for(var row=0;row&lt;;row++){
  var newStr=();
 /*Judge and move right*Every element in specified row**/
  //col starts from cn-1 and ends at >0  for(var col=-1;col&gt;0;col--){
   var nextc=(row,col);
    }else if([row][col]==
 /* Find the left side of the current position, the next number that is not 0*/
  //nextc starts from col-1, traverses the remaining elements in the row line, ends with >=0 >  for(var nextc=col-1;nextc&gt;=0;nextc--){
   // During the traversal process, getRightNext   if([row][nextc]!=0){
    return nextc;
  }return -1;
 /*Get any position where it is not 0 below*/
  //nextr starts from row+1 and ends at <  for(var nextr=row+1;nextr&lt;;nextr++){
    return nextr;
  }return -1;
 /*Judge and move up*Specify each element in the column*/
  //row starts from 0, to <rn-1, traverses each row of elements  for(var row=0;row&lt;-1;row++){
  // First get the line nextr below the current position that is not 0   var nextr=(row,col);
   if(nextr==-1){ break; // If nextr==-1   }else{// Otherwise  // If the current position is equal to 0    if([row][col]==0){
  // Replace the current position with the element of the next position     [row][col]=
  // Set nextr position to 0     [nextr][col]=0;
     row--;//Return one line and keep in place when recirculating    }else if([row][col]==
    // Otherwise, if the current position is equal to the nextr position  // Set the current position *=2     [row][col]*=2;
  // Set nextr position to 0     [nextr][col]=0;
  // Add the value of the current position to the score property     +=[row][col];
 /*Move all columns up*/
  var oldStr=();
  //Transfer all columnsfor(var col=0;col&lt;;(col++));
  var newStr=();
 /*Move all columns down*/
  var oldStr=();
for(var col=0;col&lt;;(col++));
  var newStr=();
  //row ends from -1 to >0, row--  for(var row=-1;row&gt;0;row--){
   var nextr=(row,col);
    }else if([row][col]==
 /*Get a position above any position that is not 0*/
  for(var nextr=row-1;nextr&gt;=0;nextr--){
    return nextr;
  }return -1;
//onload event: Automatically execute when the page is loaded *after*=function(){
 ();//After the page loads, the game will be automatically started // When pressing the keyboard key, trigger movement: =function(){
  //Get the keyboard number in the event object: Step 2  //Event object: automatically created when an event occurs  // Encapsulated event information  if(==){
   //Step1: Obtain the event object   var e=||arguments[0];
     //IE DOM standard   //Step2: Obtain the keyboard number:   if(==37){
   }else if(==39){
   }else if(==38){
   }else if(==40){
   //If you press the left button, call moveLeft   // Otherwise, if you press the right click, call moveRight  }

The above code is a 2048 mini game written using javascript. The code is simple and easy to understand and is accompanied by comments. I hope everyone likes it.