This article introduces the implementation of a simple Gozi game using SDL2 on Android. It is shared with you for your reference. The specific content is as follows
// // SDL2 Goko Chess// gcc -mwindows -o Five -lSDL2 -lSDL2main -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf //#define _DEBUG_ #include <> #include <> #include <SDL2/> #include <SDL2/SDL_image.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_ttf.h> #include "" // Resource filechar szBackGroundFile[] = "Resource/"; // Chessboard background image filechar szBlackFile[] = "Resource/"; // Black chess piece image file (background color: white)char szWhiteFile[] = "Resource/"; // White chess piece image file (background color: white)char szFontFile[] = "Resource/"; // Font file// String constantschar szTitle[] = "Gozi"; char szBlack[] = "Black Side"; char szWhite[] = "Bai Fang"; char szGameTips[] = "The %d hand, it's %s turn to make it"; char szGameOver[] = "%s wins this game, please press the button to continue"; _Bool OnKeyUp(int x, int y, int nSpacing); void DrawBoard(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, int nSpacing, SDL_Color *pColor); void DrawPieces(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, int nSpacing, SDL_Texture *pBlackTexture, SDL_Texture *pWhiteTexture); void PrintString(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, int nSpacing, char *szString, TTF_Font *pFont, SDL_Color *pColor); void FillCircle(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, int x, int y, int r, SDL_Color *pColor); SDL_Texture *GetImageTexture(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, char *szFile, _Bool bTransparent, SDL_Color *pBackGroundColor); SDL_Texture *GetStringTexture(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, TTF_Font *pFont, char *szString, SDL_Color *pColor); #undef main int main(int argc, char **argv) { int nWindowWidth, nWindowHeight; // Screen size int nSpacing; // Chessboard line distance SDL_Window *pWindow = NULL; // Main window SDL_Renderer *pRenderer = NULL; // Main window renderer SDL_Texture *pBackTexture = NULL; // Checkerboard background image texture SDL_Texture *pBlackTexture = NULL; // Black chess piece drawing texture SDL_Texture *pWhiteTexture = NULL; // White chess piece drawing texture TTF_Font *pFont = NULL; // Prompt text font SDL_Event event; // event _Bool bRun = 1; // Continuously wait for event control loop identification char szString[256]; // Initialization if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING)==-1 || IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_JPG)==-1 || TTF_Init()==-1) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ fprintf(stderr, "%s", SDL_GetError()); #endif return 1; } // Create the main window and its renderer if(SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(0, 0, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN, &pWindow, &pRenderer)==-1) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ fprintf(stderr, "%s", SDL_GetError()); #endif goto label_error; } SDL_SetWindowTitle(pWindow, szTitle); SDL_GetWindowSize(pWindow, &nWindowWidth, &nWindowHeight); nSpacing = SDL_min(nWindowWidth, nWindowHeight)/(MAX_LINES+2); // Load the picture file if(NULL==(pBackTexture = GetImageTexture(pRenderer, szBackGroundFile, 0, NULL)) || NULL==(pBlackTexture = GetImageTexture(pRenderer, szBlackFile, 1, NULL)) || NULL==(pWhiteTexture = GetImageTexture(pRenderer, szWhiteFile, 1, NULL))) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ fprintf(stderr, "%s", SDL_GetError()); #endif goto label_error; } // Load font file if(NULL == (pFont = TTF_OpenFont(szFontFile, 20))) // This 20 is the font size { #ifdef _DEBUG_ fprintf(stderr, "%s", SDL_GetError()); #endif goto label_error; } // Reset the chess game data and wait for events Five_ResetData(); while(bRun && SDL_WaitEvent(&event)) { switch() { case SDL_FINGERUP : // Touch pops up if(g_iWho != NONE) { if(OnKeyUp(*nWindowWidth, *nWindowHeight, nSpacing) && Five_isFive()) g_iWho = NONE; } else Five_ResetData(); // There is no break here; Fall down and repaint the window case SDL_WINDOWEVENT : // If there is a window message, you need to repaint the window SDL_RenderClear(pRenderer); SDL_RenderCopyEx(pRenderer, pBackTexture, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, SDL_FLIP_NONE); DrawBoard(pRenderer, nSpacing, NULL); DrawPieces(pRenderer, nSpacing, pBlackTexture, pWhiteTexture); if(g_iWho == NONE) sprintf(szString, szGameOver, g_nHands%2==1 ? szBlack : szWhite); else sprintf(szString, szGameTips, g_nHands+1, g_iWho==BLACK ? szBlack : szWhite); PrintString(pRenderer, nSpacing, szString, pFont, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(pRenderer); break; case SDL_QUIT : bRun = 0; break; default : break; } } label_error: // Clean up if(pBackTexture != NULL) SDL_DestroyTexture(pBackTexture); if(pBlackTexture != NULL) SDL_DestroyTexture(pBlackTexture); if(pWhiteTexture != NULL) SDL_DestroyTexture(pWhiteTexture); if(pFont != NULL) TTF_CloseFont(pFont); TTF_Quit(); IMG_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); return 0; } // Response to the drop button// Parameters: (x, y) = the clicked window coordinates, nSpacing = the chess line distance_Bool OnKeyUp(int x, int y, int nSpacing) { // Calculate the coordinates of the landing point int m = (x - 0.5*nSpacing)/nSpacing; int n = (y - 0.5*nSpacing)/nSpacing; // Process effective landing points if(m>=0 && m<MAX_LINES && n>=0 && n<MAX_LINES && g_iBoard[m][n]==NONE) { Five_AddPiece(m, n, g_iWho); return 1; } return 0; } // Draw the chessboard// Parameters: pRenderer = Renderer, nSpacing = Checkerboard line spacing, pColor = Color (default black)void DrawBoard(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, int nSpacing, SDL_Color *pColor) { SDL_Color c; int r, x, y, z; if(pColor == NULL) = = = 0; else c = *pColor; // Chessboard line SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(pRenderer, , , , SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); for(int i = 1; i <= MAX_LINES; i++) { SDL_RenderDrawLine(pRenderer, nSpacing, i*nSpacing, MAX_LINES*nSpacing, i*nSpacing); SDL_RenderDrawLine(pRenderer, i*nSpacing, nSpacing, i*nSpacing, MAX_LINES*nSpacing); } // Star position r = nSpacing*0.2; // Star radius x = nSpacing*4; // The fourth line y = nSpacing*(MAX_LINES+1)/2; // Center line z = nSpacing*(MAX_LINES-3); // The fourth line last FillCircle(pRenderer, x, x, r, &c); FillCircle(pRenderer, y, x, r, &c); FillCircle(pRenderer, z, x, r, &c); FillCircle(pRenderer, x, y, r, &c); FillCircle(pRenderer, y, y, r, &c); FillCircle(pRenderer, z, y, r, &c); FillCircle(pRenderer, x, z, r, &c); FillCircle(pRenderer, y, z, r, &c); FillCircle(pRenderer, z, z, r, &c); } // Draw chess pieces// Parameters: pRenderer = Renderer, nSpacing = Chessboard line spacing, pBlackTexture = Blackspot texture, pWhiteTexture = Whitespot texturevoid DrawPieces(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, int nSpacing, SDL_Texture *pBlackTexture, SDL_Texture *pWhiteTexture) { int r = 0.4*nSpacing; // radius of chess piece SDL_Rect rt = {0, 0, 2*r, 2*r}; if(g_nHands <= 0) return; for(int i=0; i<MAX_LINES; i++) { for(int j=0; j<MAX_LINES; j++) { = (i+1)*nSpacing - r; = (j+1)*nSpacing - r; if(g_iBoard[i][j] == BLACK) SDL_RenderCopyEx(pRenderer, pBlackTexture, NULL, &rt, 0, NULL, SDL_FLIP_NONE); else if(g_iBoard[i][j] == WHITE) SDL_RenderCopyEx(pRenderer, pWhiteTexture, NULL, &rt, 0, NULL, SDL_FLIP_NONE); } } } // Prompt text// Parameters: szString = text content, pFont = font, pColor = text color (default black)void PrintString(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, int nSpacing, char *szString, TTF_Font *pFont, SDL_Color *pColor) { SDL_Texture *pTextTexture; SDL_Rect rt; = nSpacing; = nSpacing*(MAX_LINES+1); = nSpacing*strlen(szString)/4; // This 4 is related to the font size = nSpacing; if((pTextTexture = GetStringTexture(pRenderer, pFont, szString, pColor)) != NULL) { SDL_RenderCopyEx(pRenderer, pTextTexture, NULL, &rt, 0, NULL, SDL_FLIP_NONE); SDL_DestroyTexture(pTextTexture); } } // Get the image file texture// Parameters: szFile = picture file name, bTransparent = whether to process transparently, pBackGroundColor = background color (default white)// Return value: texture pointerSDL_Texture *GetImageTexture(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, char *szFile, _Bool bTransparent, SDL_Color *pBackGroundColor) { SDL_Texture *pTexture; SDL_Surface *pSurface; int r, g, b; if((pSurface = IMG_Load(szFile)) == NULL) return NULL; if(bTransparent) { if(pBackGroundColor == NULL) { r = g = b = 255; } else { r = pBackGroundColor->r; g = pBackGroundColor->g; b = pBackGroundColor->b; } SDL_SetColorKey(pSurface, 1, SDL_MapRGB(pSurface->format, r, g, b)); } pTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(pRenderer, pSurface); SDL_FreeSurface(pSurface); return pTexture; } // Get string texture// Parameters: szString = string content, pFont = font, pColor = text color (default black)// Return value: texture pointerSDL_Texture *GetStringTexture(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, TTF_Font *pFont, char *szString, SDL_Color *pColor) { SDL_Texture *pTexture; SDL_Surface *pSurface; SDL_Color c; if(pColor == NULL) = = = 0; else c = *pColor; if((pSurface = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(pFont, szString, c)) == NULL) return NULL; pTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(pRenderer, pSurface); SDL_FreeSurface(pSurface); return pTexture; } // Draw circles (SDL2 does not have a function to draw circles, just use a rectangular box instead)// Parameters: pRenderer = Renderer, (x, y) = Center coordinate, r = Radius, pCOlor = Fill colorvoid FillCircle(SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, int x, int y, int r, SDL_Color *pColor) { SDL_Rect rt = {x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r}; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(pRenderer, pColor->r, pColor->g, pColor->b, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); SDL_RenderFillRect(pRenderer, &rt); }
// // Goziqi: Data processing module #include "" // Public variablesint g_nHands; // Total lotint g_nLastCrossing; // 100*x+y, (x, y) is the coordinates of the last handenum en_COLOR g_iWho; // Which side is the turn to make a move: 0 Cannot make a move, 1 Black side, 2 White sideint g_iBoard[MAX_LINES][MAX_LINES]; // Checkerboard intersection data: 0 No child, 1 blackspot, 2 whitespot // Determine whether the last move forms a five-piece bead// Return value: 1 = Five-subunit beads formed, 0 = Five-subunit beads not formed_Bool Five_isFive(void) { int i, j, nCount, x, y; if(g_nLastCrossing < 0) return 0; x = g_nLastCrossing/100; y = g_nLastCrossing%100; // Horizontal line count nCount = 1; i = x - 1; // Left while(i>=0 && g_iBoard[x][y]==g_iBoard[i][y]) { nCount++; i--; } i = x + 1; // Right while(i<MAX_LINES && g_iBoard[x][y]==g_iBoard[i][y]) { nCount++; i++; } if(nCount >= 5) return 1; // Vertical line count nCount = 1; j = y - 1; // superior while(j>=0 && g_iBoard[x][y]==g_iBoard[x][j]) { nCount++; j--; } j = y + 1; // Down while(j<MAX_LINES && g_iBoard[x][y]==g_iBoard[x][j]) { nCount++; j++; } if(nCount >= 5) return 1; // Left slash count nCount = 1; i = x - 1; // Top left j = y - 1; while(i>=0 && j>=0 && g_iBoard[x][y]==g_iBoard[i][j]) { nCount++; i--; j--; } i = x + 1; // Lower right j = y + 1; while(i<MAX_LINES && j<MAX_LINES && g_iBoard[x][y]==g_iBoard[i][j]) { nCount++; i++; j++; } if(nCount >= 5) return 1; // Right slash count nCount = 1; i = x + 1; // Top right j = y - 1; while(i<MAX_LINES && j>=0 && g_iBoard[x][y]==g_iBoard[i][j]) { nCount++; i++; j--; } i = x - 1; // Lower left j = y + 1; while(i>=0 && j<MAX_LINES && g_iBoard[x][y]==g_iBoard[i][j]) { nCount++; i--; j++; } if(nCount >= 5) return 1; return 0; } // Reset the game datavoid Five_ResetData(void) { for(int i=0; i<MAX_LINES; i++) for(int j=0; j<MAX_LINES; j++) g_iBoard[i][j] = NONE; g_nHands = 0; g_nLastCrossing = -1; g_iWho = BLACK; } // Record a write-in data// Parameters: x, y = chess piece coordinates, c = chess piece colorvoid Five_AddPiece(int x, int y, enum en_COLOR c) { g_iBoard[x][y] = c; g_nHands++; g_nLastCrossing = 100*x + y; g_iWho = (g_iWho == BLACK ? WHITE : BLACK); }
// // Goziqi: external interface of data processing module #ifndef _FIVE_DATA_H #define _FIVE_DATA_H enum en_COLOR // Chess piece color{ NONE = 0, // No children BLACK, // Heizi WHITE // Bai Zi}; // Chess game#define MAX_LINES 15 // Number of chessboard linesextern int g_nHands; // Total lotsextern int g_nLastCrossing; // 100*x+y, (x, y) is the coordinates of the last handextern enum en_COLOR g_iWho; // Which side is the turn to make a move: 0 Cannot make a move, 1 Black side, 2 White sideextern int g_iBoard[MAX_LINES][MAX_LINES]; // Checkerboard intersection data: 0 No child, 1 blackspot, 2 whitespot // Determine whether the last move forms a five-piece bead// Return value: 1 = Five-subunit beads formed, 0 = Five-subunit beads not formedextern _Bool Five_isFive(void); // Reset the game dataextern void Five_ResetData(void); // Record a write-in data// Parameters: x, y = chess piece coordinates, c = chess piece colorextern void Five_AddPiece(int x, int y, enum en_COLOR c); #endif
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