Updated on 2025-03-02

C++ mini game BrickHit instance code

A mini-game for playing bricks. Material: EasyX graphics library.

The method of moving the boards also needs to be optimized for collision treatment.

//Definition Circle, Brick, Broad#include<cmath>
#ifndef _PROPERTY_H_
#define _PROPERTY_H_
struct Circle {
  int x0, y0, r;
  int mvX, mvY;
  COLORREF color;
  virtual ~Circle() {}
  Circle(int x0_, int y0_, int r_, int mvX_, int mvY_, COLORREF color_)
    :x0(x0_), y0(y0_), r(r_), mvX(mvX_), mvY(mvY_), color(color_) {}
  //The starting position of the ball  void prtCirl() {
    solidcircle(x0, y0, r);
  //The movement of the ball  void CirlMove() {
    solidcircle(x0, y0, r);
    x0 += mvX;
    y0 += mvY;
    solidcircle(x0, y0, r);
  //Judge whether the ball is out of the wide mouth.  //Parameters: upper left coordinate, width, height of the window.  //Leave and return to true.  bool IsCirlQuit(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
    if (x0 - x <= r && mvX < 0) {
      mvX = -mvX;
      return false;
    else if (x + width - x0 <= r && mvX > 0) {
      mvX = -mvX;
      return false;
    else if (y0 - y <= r && mvY < 0) {
      mvY = -mvY;
      return false;
    else if (y + height - y0 <= r)
      return true;
    return false;
struct Brick {
  int x0, y0;
  COLORREF color;
  int height, width;
  virtual ~Brick() {}
  Brick(int x0_, int y0_, int width_, int height_, COLORREF color_)
    :x0(x0_), y0(y0_), width(width_), height(height_), color(color_) {}
  //Painting of bricks  void prtBrick() {
    solidrectangle(x0, y0, x0 + width, y0 + height);
  //Judge whether the brick collides with the ball  //Parameters: small ball  //A collision occurs and returns to true  bool IsCrashCirl(Circle &arg) {
    if (arg.x0 +  < x0 || x0 + width < arg.x0 - )
      return false;
    int disY = min(abs(y0 - arg.y0), abs(y0 + height - arg.y0));
    if (disY <= ) {
       = -;
      return true;
    return false;
  //Clearing of bricks  void BrickClr() {
    solidrectangle(x0, y0, x0 + width, y0 + height);
struct Broad :public Brick{
  int mvX;
  int floor, ceiling;
  virtual ~Broad() {}
  Broad(int x0_, int y0_, int width_, int height_, int mvX_,
    int floor_, int ceiling_, COLORREF color_)
    :Brick(x0_, y0_, width_, height_, color_), mvX(mvX_), floor(floor_), ceiling(ceiling_) {}
  //Hyperload, determine whether the board collided with the ball  //Parameters: small ball  //A collision occurs and returns to true  bool IsCrashCirl(Circle &arg) {
    if (arg.x0 +  < x0 || x0 + width < arg.x0 - )
      return false;
    if (y0 - arg.y0 <= && > 0) {
       = -;
      return true;
    return false;
  //The wooden board moves  void BroadMove() {
    POINT point;
    if (x0 <= && <= x0)
    if ( < x0)
      x0 = max(x0 - mvX, floor);
      x0 = min(x0 + mvX, ceiling - width);
    solidrectangle(x0, y0, x0 + width, y0 + height);
#endif // _PROPERTY_H_
using namespace std;
const int WndW = 400, WndH = 400; //Window sizelist<Brick> CreatBricks();
bool theGame(list<Brick> &MyBrks, Broad &MyBrd, Circle&MyCirl);
int main() { 
  //brick layout  list<Brick> MyBrks = move(CreatBricks());
  //broad: 60*20, moving speed 5, WHITE  Broad MyBrd(WndW/2 - 30, WndH - 20, 60, 20, 5, 0, WndW, WHITE);
  //circle: radius 5, speed of movement 5, DARKGRAY  Circle MyCirl(WndW/2 - 10, WndH - 20 - 10, 10, 5, 5, DARKGRAY);
  HWND Hwnd = initgraph(WndW, WndH);
  bool GameOver = theGame(MyBrks, MyBrd, MyCirl);
  if (GameOver)
    MessageBox(Hwnd, L"u Win!", L"BrickHit",MB_OK);
    MessageBox(Hwnd, L"default!", L"BrickHit", MB_OK);
  return 0;
//bricks implementationlist<Brick> CreatBricks() {
  //brick information: 5 rows and 10 columns, 40*10  int Row = 5, Col = 10;
  int BrickW = WndW / Col;
  int BrickH = 10;
  list<Brick> MyBrks;
  bool ColChoice = true;
  for (int i = Row - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    ColChoice = !ColChoice;
    for (int j = 0; j < Col; j++)
      switch (ColChoice) {
      case true:
        MyBrks.push_back({ BrickW*j,BrickH*i,BrickW,BrickH,LIGHTGREEN });
        ColChoice = !ColChoice;
      case false:
        MyBrks.push_back({ BrickW*j,BrickH*i,BrickW,BrickH,LIGHTCYAN }); 
        ColChoice = !ColChoice;
  return MyBrks;
//The game implementationbool theGame(list<Brick> &MyBrks, Broad &MyBrd, Circle&MyCirl) {
  //Game start interface  for_each((), (), [](Brick it) { (); });
  //Game loop  while (!()) {
    if ((0, 0, WndW, WndH))
      return false;
    auto theBrick = find_if((), (),
      [&MyCirl](Brick it) { return (MyCirl); });
    if (theBrick != ()) {
  return true;


The above is the sample code of the C++ mini game BrickHit introduced to you by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support for my website!