Updated on 2025-03-02

Partitioning text through Python's jieba library

1. What is Jieba library?

Python's jieba library is a Chinese word segmentation tool. It can divide a piece of Chinese text into words one by one, which facilitates subsequent natural language processing tasks, such as text classification, sentiment analysis, etc. Jieba library uses a word segmentation method based on prefix dictionary, which can handle various complex situations in Chinese, such as ambiguity, new words, etc. It also provides a variety of word segmentation modes, such as precision mode, full mode, search engine mode, etc., to meet the needs of different scenarios. In addition, the jieba library also supports user-defined dictionaries, making word segmentation results more accurate.

2. Install the Jieba library

 pip install jieba

View Jieba version

 pip show jieba

Name: jieba
Version: 0.42.1
Summary: Chinese Words Segmentation Utilities
Home-page: /fxsjy/jieba
Author: Sun, Junyi
Author-email: ccnusjy@
License: MIT

4. How to use

1.Introduce the library

import jieba

2. Define the text that requires word segmentation

text = "I love to post dynamics, I like to use search engine mode for word segmentation"

3. Use word segmentation mode to segment words

3.1 Precision Mode (default)

Try to cut the sentences most accurately, suitable for text analysis.

seg_list = (text)

3.2 Full mode

Scan all possible words in the sentence to be word-based, which is very fast, but cannot resolve the ambiguity.

seg_list = (text, cut_all=True)

3.3 Search Engine Mode

Based on the precise mode, the long words are segmented again to improve the recall rate, which is suitable for search engine word segmentation.

seg_list = jieba.cut_for_search(text)

4. Convert word participle results to list

word_list = list(seg_list)

5. Print word participle results


6. Comparison of word participle effects

6.1 Precision Mode (default)

['I love to post', 'dynamic', ', ', 'I', 'like', 'use', 'search engine', 'mode', 'progress', 'participle']

6.2 Full mode

['I', 'love', 'activate', 'dynamic', ', ', 'I', 'like', 'use', 'search', 'search engine', 'index', 'engine', 'mode', 'progress', 'participle']

6.3 Search Engine Mode

['I love to post', 'dynamic', ',', 'I', 'like', 'use', 'search', 'index', 'engine', 'search engine', 'mode', 'progress', 'participle']

This is the article about participling text through Python's jieba library. For more related text participle content in Python's jieba library, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!