This article describes the installation and use of the popular Python ORM framework sqlalchemy. Share it for your reference, as follows:
1. Installation
#Enter the virtual environment#implement./python3 -m pip install
import sqlalchemy print(sqlalchemy.__version__) # 1.1.15
The version I'm using here is 1.1.15
Create a connection object
from sqlalchemy import create_engine # Connect to the local test databaseengine = create_engine("mysql://root:root@localhost/test?charset=utf8")
An error occurs during runtime because the driver library is required, MySQLdb will be called by default.
ImportError: No module named 'MySQLdb'
We installed pymysql before, so we need to write the complete one like this:
engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://root:root@localhost/test?charset=utf8")
Simple use
SQL statement query
result = ("select * from news") print(()) #[(1, 'Native News Title'), (2, 'Today'), (3, 'News Title'), (4, 'News Title 2'), (5, 'Tuote News 1'), (6, 'Tuote News 2')]
Create a map
Since we use ORM, we just want to write less or even less SQL statements.
ORM is a mapping between a data table and an object.
1. Create a file, let’s map the data table.
from import declarative_base Base = declarative_base() from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String class News(Base): # Table name __tablename__ = 'news' # News table id field id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) # title field in the news table title = Column(String(length=255), nullable=False)
The News class is the mapping of our data table news (fields: id, title).
2. Use
from sqlalchemy import create_engine from import News from import sessionmaker # Connect to the local test databaseengine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://root:root@localhost/test?charset=utf8") # Create a sessionsession = sessionmaker(engine) mySession = session() # Query result setresult = (News).all() print(result[0])
We need to pay attention to the last query result and see what the elements in the result set look like? ^_^
< object at 0x1050c6e80>
The records processed by the query are all objects.
Various inquiries
Query only the first record
# Query the first itemresult = (News).first() print() #Print object properties
Query via id field
# Query id 2result = (News).filter_by(id=2).first() print()
# Query id 2result = (News).filter(==2).first()
Pagination query
# Pagination query 0,2result = (News).filter(>1).limit(2).offset(0).all() print(result)
Custom filtering conditions
# Custom filtering conditionsresult = (News).filter(text("id>:id")).params(id=2).all()
Query by primary key
result = (News).get(3) print()
Add and modify
# Addednews = News(title="Added test title") (news) ()
#Revise(News).filter(==7).update({"title":"Modified title"}) ()
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's Python programming.