Updated on 2025-03-02

Basic steps to using Flink with Python for real-time data processing

How to use Flink with Python for real-time data processing

Apache Flink is a stream processing framework for processing and analyzing data streams in real time. PyFlink is Apache Flink's Python API, which allows users to write Flink jobs in Python and perform real-time data processing. Here are the basic steps for using Flink with Python for real-time data processing:

Install PyFlink

First, make sure that PyFlink is already installed in your environment. You can install it through pip:

pip install apache-flink

Create a Flink execution environment

To use PyFlink in Python, you must first create an execution environment (StreamExecutionEnvironment), it is the starting point for all Flink programs.

from  import StreamExecutionEnvironment

env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()

Read data source

Flink can obtain data from various sources, such as Kafka, file system, etc. useadd_sourceMethod to add data source.

from  import FlinkKafkaConsumer
from  import SimpleStringSchema

properties = {
    '': 'localhost:9092',
    '': 'test-group',
    '': 'latest'
consumer = FlinkKafkaConsumer(
stream = env.add_source(consumer)

Data processing

Use the conversion functions provided by Flink (e.g.mapfilteretc.) Process the data.

from  import MapFunction

class MyMapFunction(MapFunction):
    def map(self, value):
        return ()

stream = (MyMapFunction())

Output data

The processed data can be output to different sinks, such as Kafka, database, etc.

from  import FlinkKafkaProducer

producer_properties = {
    '': 'localhost:9092'
producer = FlinkKafkaProducer(

Execute jobs

Finally, useexecuteMethod to execute Flink jobs.


Advanced Features

Flink also provides advanced features such as state management, fault tolerance mechanism, time window and watermark, and flow batch integration, which can help users build complex real-time data processing processes.

Practical cases

Here is a simple practical case that shows how to integrate Flink with Kafka to create a real-time data processing system:

  1. Create a Kafka producer and send data to the Kafka topic.
  2. Use Flink to consume data in Kafka and process it.
  3. The processed data is written to the Kafka topic.
  4. Create Kafka consumers and consume processed data.

This case covers multiple aspects such as the generation, processing, storage and visualization of data streams, demonstrating the powerful ability of Flink and Python.

in conclusion

By using PyFlink, Python developers can leverage the power of Flink to build real-time data processing applications. Whether it is simple data conversion or complex stream processing tasks, Flink and Python integration can provide powerful support. With the development of technology, both Flink and Python are constantly introducing new features and algorithms to improve the efficiency and accuracy of data processing.

The above is the detailed content of the basic steps for real-time data processing using Flink and Python. For more information about real-time data processing of Flink Python, please follow my other related articles!