There is a thumbnail function, but it feels not comprehensive and has some problems. Continue to learn and modify it in the future
<form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" ><input type="text" name="name" /><input type="file" name="file" /><input type="submit" name='submit' value="submit" ></form> <?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Administrator * Date: 2016/6/28 * Time: 21:04 */ class upload{ protected $fileMine;//File upload type protected $filepath;//File upload path protected $filemax;// File upload size protected $fileExt;//File upload format protected $filename;//file name protected $fileerror;//File error setting protected $fileflag;//File detection protected $fileinfo; //FILES protected $ext; //File extension protected $path; //Upload file public function __construct($filename="file",$filemax=20000000,$filepath="./Uploads",$fileflag=true,$fileExt=array('jpg','exe'),$fileMine=array('image/jpeg')) { $this->filename=$filename; $this->fileinfo=$_FILES[$this->filename]; $this->filemax=$filemax; $this->filepath=$filepath; $this->fileflag=$fileflag; $this->fileExt=$fileExt; $this->fileMine=$fileMine; //var_dump($this->filename); } //Incorrect judgment public function UpError(){ if($this->fileinfo['error']>0){ switch($this->fileinfo['error']) { case 1: $this->fileerror="The upload file size exceeds the maximum value allowed by the server to upload, set the value of the upload_max_filesize option limit in "; break; case 2: $this->fileerror="The upload file size exceeds the value specified by the hidden domain MAX_FILE_SIZE option in the HTML form"; break; case 3: $this->fileerror="The file part is uploaded"; break; case 4: $this->fileerror="No selected upload file"; break; case 5: $this->fileerror="Temporary directory not found"; break; case 6: $this->fileerror="File writing failed"; break; case 7: $this->fileerror="The php file upload extension is not opened"; break; case 8: $this->fileerror=""; break; } return false; } return true; } //Detection of file type public function UpMine(){ if(!in_array($this->fileinfo['type'],$this->fileMine)) { $this->error="File upload type is incorrect"; return false; } return true; } //Detection of file format public function UpExt(){ $this->ext=pathinfo($this->fileinfo['name'],PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //var_dump($ext); if(!in_array($this->ext,$this->fileExt)){ $this->fileerror="File format is wrong"; return false; } return true; } //Detection of file path public function UpPath(){ if(!file_exists($this->filepath)){ mkdir($this->filepath,0777,true); } } //Detection of file size public function UpSize(){ $max=$this->fileinfo['size']; if($max>$this->filemax){ $this->fileerror="The file is too large"; return false; } return true; } //Detect whether the file is HTTP public function UpPost(){ if(!is_uploaded_file($this->fileinfo['tmp_name'])){ $this->fileerror="Malicious repayment"; return false; } return true; } //File name prevents duplication public function Upname(){ return md5(uniqid(microtime(true),true)); } //Picture thumbnail public function Smallimg($x=100,$y=100){ $imgAtt=getimagesize($this->path); //Image width, height, type $imgWidth=$imgAtt[0]; $imgHeight=$imgAtt[1]; $imgext=$imgAtt[2]; //Equi-parameter scaling if(($x/$imgWidth)>($y/$imgHeight)){ $bl=$y/$imgHeight; }else{ $bl=$x/$imgWidth; } $x=floor($imgWidth*$bl); //After zoom $y=floor($imgHeight*$bl); $images=imagecreatetruecolor($x,$y); $big=imagecreatefromjpeg($this->path); imagecopyresized($images,$big,0,0,0,0,$x,$y,$imgWidth,$imgWidth); switch($imgext){ case 1: $imageout=imagecreatefromgif($this->path); break; case 2: $imageout=imagecreatefromjpeg($this->path); break; case 3: $imageout=imagecreatefromgif($this->path); break; } $im=imagejpeg($images,$this->path); } //Double file transmission public function uploads() { if($this->UpError()&&$this->UpMine()&&$this->UpExt()&&$this->UpSize()&&$this->UpPost()){ $this->UpPath(); $names=$this->Upname(); $this->path=$this->filepath.'/'. $names.'.'.$this->ext; if(move_uploaded_file($this->fileinfo['tmp_name'], $this->path)){ return $this->path; }else{ $this->fileerror="Upload failed"; } }else{ exit("<b>".$this->fileerror."</b>"); } } } ?>
<?php header("content-type:imagejpeg"); header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); require ''; $u=new upload(); $a=$u->uploads(); $c=$u->Smallimg(); echo "<img src={$a} />"; echo "<img src={$c} />"; ?>
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The above PHP image upload example code (with thumbnails added) is all the content I share with you. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.