Updated on 2025-03-02

Analysis of implementation and usage methods of custom events in wxpython

This article describes the implementation and usage of custom events in wxpython. Share it for your reference, as follows:

Steps to create a custom event:

① Define an event class, which must be inherited from and define get and set methods to obtain and set event parameters.

② Create an event type and a binder object to bind the event to a specific object.

③ Create a custom event object, set event parameters, and use the ProcessEvent() method to introduce this instance into the event processing system.

④ Bind the event handler for custom events.

⑤ Respond to events in event handler.

Sample code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import wx
class MyTestEvent():  #1 Define events  def __init__(self, evtType, id):
    .__init__(self, evtType, id)
     = ""
  def GetEventArgs(self):
  def SetEventArgs(self, args):
     = args
myEVT_MY_TEST = () #2 Create an event typeEVT_MY_TEST = (myEVT_MY_TEST, 1) #3 Create a binder objectclass MyFrame():
  def __init__(self):
    .__init__(self, None, -1, "My Frame", size=(300, 300),pos=(300,300))
    panel = (self, -1)
    self.button1 = (panel,id=-1,pos=(40, 40),label="button1")
    (wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton1Click, self.button1)
    (EVT_MY_TEST, )#4 Bind event handling function  def OnButton1Click(self,event):
  def OnHandle(self,event):#8 Event Handling Function    dlg = (self, (),'A Message Box', | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
  def OnDoTest(self):
    evt = MyTestEvent(myEVT_MY_TEST, self.()) #5 Create a custom event object    ("test event")  #6Add data to events    ().ProcessEvent(evt) #7 Handling Eventsif __name__ == '__main__':
  app = ()
  frame = MyFrame()


1. Define the subclass of the MyTestEvent class, which is a wxPython-specific structure, which can be used to create new event classes and connect the C++ class with your Python code.

2. () is similar to (); it returns a unique event type ID.

3. Create a binder object. The value of the second parameter is between [0,2]. It represents the wxId identification number. This identification number is used by the () method to determine which object is the source of the event.

4. Binding the processor of the event.

5. Create a custom event object and pass the ID of the control that triggered the event as a parameter to the constructor of the MyTestEvent.

6. Add data to events. You can pass some information you need into this method.

7. The call of ProcessEvent() introduces this new event into the event processing system. An instance returned by the call of GetEventHandler() is that is, the window object itself, that is, MyFrame.

8. Bind the event handler function. The event handler here is to display the incoming event parameters through MessageDialog.

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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's Python programming.