This article will explain in detail how to implement the one-click selection and inverse selection function of the el-tree component in the project: when clicking one-click selection, all nodes will be selected. When the nodes are not selected, the all selection box will be a semi-selected state. (The final vue2+element ui implementation code is added)
vue3+Element Plus implementation:
Template section:
1. Add a checkbox component in the appropriate position (such as el-tree level) el-checkbox
<el-checkbox size="mini" :indeterminate="isIndeterminate" v-model="checkAll" @change="handleCheckAllChange" style="padding:0px;margin-right:5px;"> Select all</el-checkbox>
Steps detailed explanation:
(1) indeterminate
Attributes are used to represent the uncertain state of checkbox, and are generally used to achieve the effect of selecting all;
(2) v-model The bound value controls whether the selected box is selected;
(3) @change is an event triggered when the state changes.
2. Bind the ref attribute, node-key attribute, and @check-change event to the el-tree component
<el-tree ref="testingTree" :data="testingData" :props="testingProps" show-checkbox @check-change="testCheckChange" node-key="path" />
Steps detailed explanation:
(1) In vue3, the ref attribute is also used to obtain elements;
(2) The check-change event is triggered when the check box is clicked;
(3) node-key node identification is usually used to determine the actual development based on the backend data.
JS logic part
3. Implement all selection and anti-select logic (the code is a bit long, I will explain it sentence by sentence)
//Select all with one click let checkAll = ref(false) //Binding value of select all button let isIndeterminate = ref(false) //Select all buttons, half-select style const testingTree = ref(null) //Use ref to get elements in vue3 requires declaring a variable with the same name in the setup //1.1 Get the currently selected node function testCheckChange() { // Get an instance of the Tree component. Use the variable declared by ref to add .value when used in the logical code. const tree = ; let checkedCount = 0;//The number of first-level nodes selected let disabledCount = 0;//The number of first-level nodes that are placed in gray let indeterminateFlag = false;//Is there any first-level node in the semi-selected state //Transfer all first-level nodes (testingData is the el-tree component: the value of data) for (let i = 0; i < ; i++) { //GetNode is an instance method of el-tree component. You can get the node in the Tree component based on data or key if (([i]).disabled == true) { disabledCount += 1;//If there is a graying node, add 1 to the graying variable } if (([i]).checked == true) { checkedCount += 1;//If there is a checked node, add 1 to the check variable. } if (([i]).indeterminate == true) { indeterminateFlag = true;//If there is a half-selected node, the half-selected variable is set to true } } if (checkedCount == 0) { = false; = false;//If the number of first-level nodes selected is 0, the selection of all button style is not half-selected, and the selection of all value is false if (indeterminateFlag == true) {//If there is half-select below, set the style of the select all button to half-select style = true; = false; } } else if ((checkedCount + disabledCount) == ) {//If the sum of the selected and grayed-on-tagged on the tree is equal to the length of data on the tree, set the selected button style to not be half-selected style, and the selected value is true = false; = true; } else {//If the above conditions are not met, it means that all are not checked. Set the style to half-select, and the value of all is false = true; = false; } return; } //The method event on the select all button function handleCheckAllChange(val) { = false;//Set the select all button style not half-select if ( == true) { //If the current value is selected, check it through the nodes in turn, and the filtered disabled is true for (let i = 0; i < ; i++) { if (([i]).disabled == false) { ([i].path, true, true); } } } else { //Cancel all selection is empty ([]) }
vue2+Element ui specific implementation:
<template> <div> <el-checkbox size="mini" :indeterminate="isIndeterminate" v-model="new_task_form.case_checkAll" @change="handleCheckAllChange" style="padding:0px;margin-right:5px;">Select all</el-checkbox> </div> <el-tree style="max-height: 200px;overflow: auto;" :data="casedata" show-checkbox :default-expand-all="false" node-key="id" ref="casetree" highlight-current :props="defaultPorps" @check-change="case_check_change"> </el-tree> </template>
data(){ return { new_task_form:{ "case_checkAll":false //Binding value of select all button }, isIndeterminate:false,//Select all buttons, half-select style } }, methods:{ case_check_change(node1,node2,node3){//Tree node check event let checked_count = 0;//The number of first-level nodes selected let disabled_count = 0;//The number of first-level nodes that are placed in gray let indeterminate_flag = false;//Is there any first-level node in the semi-selected state //Travel through all first-level nodes for(let i=0;i<;i++){ if(this.$([i]).disabled==true){ disabled_count += 1;//If there is a graying node, add 1 to the graying variable } if(this.$([i]).checked==true){ checked_count += 1;//If there is a checked node, add 1 to the check variable. } if(this.$([i]).indeterminate==true){ indeterminate_flag = true;//If there is a half-selected node, the half-selected variable is set to true } } if(checked_count==0){ = false; this.new_task_form.case_checkAll = false;//If the number of first-level nodes selected is 0, the selection of all button style is not half-selected, and the selection of all value is false if(indeterminate_flag==true){//If there is half-select below, set the style of the select all button to half-select style = true; this.new_task_form.case_checkAll = false; } } else if((checked_count+disabled_count)==){//If the sum of the selected and grayed-on-tagged on the tree is equal to the length of data on the tree, set the selected button style to not be half-selected style, and the selected value is true = false; this.new_task_form.case_checkAll = true; } else{//If the above conditions are not met, it means that all are not checked. Set the style to half-select, and the value of all is false = true; this.new_task_form.case_checkAll = false; } return; }, handleCheckAllChange(val){//The method event on the select all button = false;//Set the select all button style not half-select if(this.new_task_form.case_checkAll==true){//If the current value is selected, check it through the nodes in turn, and the filtered disabled is true for(let i=0;i<;i++){ if(this.$([i]).disabled==false){ this.$([i].id,true,true); } } } else{//The current value is not selected all, set the checklist to empty this.$([]); } }, }
This is the article about the one-click selection and reverse selection function of the Element tree control el-tree. For more related el-tree, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!