Updated on 2025-03-02

Practical sharing of Java using Spring Batch to process large-scale data

1. Introduction to Spring Batch

Spring Batch is a module in the Spring ecosystem dedicated to processing large quantities of data. It provides a simplified programming model that allows easy configuration and management of batch jobs. The core concepts of Spring Batch include Job, Step, ItemReader, ItemProcessor, and ItemWriter. These components work together to realize the reading, processing and writing of data.

2. Configure Spring Batch environment

Before we start writing code, we need to configure the Spring Batch environment. Here is a simple Maven configuration example that contains the dependencies required for Spring Batch:

    <!-- Other necessary dependencies -->

After configuring the dependencies, the next step is the implementation part of the actual code.

3. Create batch tasks

Below, we will use an example to show how to process large-scale data using Spring Batch. Suppose we need to read user data from the database, process it, and then write the result to another database table.

1. Configure batch jobs

First, we need to define a batch job (Job) and multiple steps (Step). Here is an example of job configuration:

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public class BatchConfig {

    private final JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
    private final StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;

    public BatchConfig(JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory, StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory) {
         = jobBuilderFactory;
         = stepBuilderFactory;

    public Job userJob(Step userStep) {
        return ("userJob")
                .incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())

    public Step userStep(ItemReader<User> reader, ItemProcessor<User, ProcessedUser> processor, ItemWriter<ProcessedUser> writer) {
        return ("userStep")
                .<User, ProcessedUser>chunk(100)

In this configuration, we define a batch jobuserJob, including one stepuserStep. This step consists of a reader (ItemReader), a processor (ItemProcessor) and a writer (ItemWriter), and the batch size is set to 100.

2. Implement ItemReader

ItemReaderUsed to read data from a data source. In this example, we read user information from the database:

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public class UserItemReader {

    public RepositoryItemReader<User> reader(UserRepository userRepository) {
        RepositoryItemReader<User> reader = new RepositoryItemReader<>();
        Map<String, > sorts = new HashMap<>();
        ("id", );
        return reader;

Here we useRepositoryItemReaderRead user data from the database and set page reading, reading 100 records at a time.

3. Implement ItemProcessor

ItemProcessorUsed to process read data. Here is a simple processor example:

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public class UserItemProcessor {

    public ItemProcessor&lt;User, ProcessedUser&gt; processor() {
        return user -&gt; {
            // Simple data processing logic, such as converting user data            ProcessedUser processedUser = new ProcessedUser();
            return processedUser;

In this processor, we convert the user's name to uppercase.

4. Implement ItemWriter

ItemWriterUsed to write processed data to the target data source. In this example, we write the processed user data to another database table:

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public class UserItemWriter {

    public RepositoryItemWriter<ProcessedUser> writer(ProcessedUserRepository processedUserRepository) {
        RepositoryItemWriter<ProcessedUser> writer = new RepositoryItemWriter<>();
        return writer;

Here we use the RepositoryItemWriter to save the processed user data to the database.

4. Run batch tasks

After the above configuration is completed, we can use the Spring Boot running mechanism to execute this batch job. Spring Batch will perform data reading, processing and writing operations in turn according to the configuration steps.

V. Performance optimization

Optimizing batch performance is very important when processing large-scale data. Here are some common optimization strategies:

  • Use concurrency steps: By performing multiple steps in parallel, the processing speed can be significantly improved.
  • Tune the batch size:Adjustmentchunksize, find the balance between performance and memory consumption.
  • Database index optimization: Ensure that the data tables read in the database have the appropriate index to speed up queries.
  • Batch writing using database: Reduce the number of database write operations and use batch writes to improve efficiency.

Through these optimization measures, Spring Batch can effectively process massive data and ensure the efficient and stable operation of the system.

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