Implement pull-up loading more
Open the configuration file in the project root directory and configure the bottoming distance for the goods goods_list page in the subPackages subpackage:
"subPackages": [ { "root": "subpkg", "pages": [ { "path": "goods_detail/goods_detail", "style": {} }, { "path": "goods_list/goods_list", "style": { "onReachBottomDistance": 150 } }, { "path": "search/search", "style": {} } ] } ]
In the goods_list page, it is on the same level as the methods node, and declares the onReachBottom event handler function to listen to the page's pull-up bottoming behavior:
// The bottoming eventonReachBottom() { // Let the page number value increase +1 += 1 // Retrieve list data () }
Remove the getGoodsList function in methods. After the list data request is successful, the new and old data are spliced:
// Method to get product list dataasync getGoodsList() { // Make a request const { data: res } = await uni.$('/api/public/v1/goods/search', ) if ( !== 200) return uni.$showMsg() // Assign value to data: splicing old and new data through the form of expansion operators = [..., ...] = }
Prevent additional requests from being initiated through throttle valve
Defining isloading throttle in data is as follows:
data() { return { // Is data requested? isloading: false } }
Modify the getGoodsList method, and open and close the throttle valve before and after requesting data:
// Method to get product list dataasync getGoodsList() { // ** Open the throttle valve = true // Make a request const { data: res } = await uni.$('/api/public/v1/goods/search', ) // ** Close the throttle valve = false //Omit other codes...}
In the onReachBottom bottoming event handling function, decide whether to initiate a request based on the status of the throttle valve:
// The bottoming eventonReachBottom() { // Determine whether other data is being requested. If so, no additional request will be initiated. if () return += 1 () }
Determine whether the data has been loaded
If the following formula is true, it proves that there is no data on the next page:
Current page number value * How many pieces of data are displayed per page >= Total number
pagenum * pagesize >= total
Modify the onReachBottom event handling function as follows:
// The bottoming eventonReachBottom() { // Determine whether there is still data on the next page if ( * >= ) return uni.$showMsg('The data is loaded! ') // Determine whether other data is being requested. If so, no additional request will be initiated. if () return += 1 () }
This is the article about uni-app implementing more functions for data pull-up loading. For more related uni-app data pull-up loading, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!