Updated on 2025-03-02

Detailed explanation of the declaration and use of variables and constants in Go language


What are variables? A variable is a memory area that can store data at any time. When we apply for this memory area (declare variables), we need to specify the variable name and the data type of the variable. The data type is used to explain what value the variable can store.

Go is a strongly typed language, so Go variables need to be declared first and then used, and their data type cannot be changed after declaration.

Variable name

  • The variable name must begin with a letter or an underscore.
  • Variable names are case sensitive, e.g.Versionandversionare two different variables.
  • The variable cannot be named with keywords (25) and reserved words (37).


There are two ways to declare Go variables, one is a standard variable declaration and the other is a short variable declaration.

Standard way to declare variables

The standard way Go declares a variable is to use keywordsvar, Also note that the data type of Go variable is placed after the variable name, which is different from other languages:

Declare a variable:

var i int
i = 10

Assign values ​​to variables when declaring them

var i int = 10

When declaring that no data type is specified, Go infers its data type by assignment:

var i = 10

Declare multiple variables of the same type simultaneously

var m,n int //Declare two variables of the same type on the same line

When multiple variables are declared at the same time, you can also assign initial values:

var q,p = "test",10

Bulk declaration variables:

    s string = "test"
    r int
    t,f bool

How to declare variables briefly

In addition to declaring variables with the keyword var, Go also supports short local variable declarations.

A short way to use variables:=, and there is no need to specify a data type, Go will infer the data language based on the value assigned when the declaration is:

Note that Go's local variables must be used after declaration, otherwise an error will be reported.

package main 
i := 10 //mistake​
func main(){
    i := 10//Infer that i is an integer based on the assignment    i = 100//Reassign the integer value    i = "1" //Error, string can no longer be assigned}

Variable scope

Go is through packages (package) organizes the code, and variables declared in the package (or functions, constants, structures, etc.) are distinguished from whether the first letter of the variable name is capitalized or not. When the first letter is capitalized, other packages can access the variable.

Define two variables in a package:

package A
var age int = 10 //Not visible outside the package​
var Username string = "test" //Visible outside the package

Next, we introduce the above package in another package:

package B
import A
import "fmt"
func main(){
  ()//Available for access  () //Error, Unable to access variables starting with lowercase letters}


The value of a variable can be changed at any time during operation, while the value of a constant cannot be changed after assignment. The value of a constant is determined at the time of program compilation, so the constant must be assigned when declared.

Go language usageconstThe key is to declare a constant.

const Version = "1.0"

const pi float = 3.14

Declare multiple constants like variables:

const (
	v1 = 100

The above declaration method is constantv2andv3The value of 100.

iota constant generator

Sometimes we often need to declare some regular constants, such as enum values ​​such as month or week:

const (
    Sunday int = 0
    Monday int = 1
    Tuesday int = 2
    Wednesday int = 3
    Thursday int = 4
    Friday int = 5
    Saturday int = 6

The above method of declaring constants is more troublesome, and each constant value needs to be assigned.

And using GoiotaConstant generators can avoid the trouble of initializing one by one when declaring such regular constants:

const (
    Sunday int = iota

In this example,iotaThe first line constantSundayWill be set to 0, and the following constants will be incremented in turn.

use_After the symbol, you can also skip a certain value or insert other values ​​in the middle:

const (
		s1 = iota //0
		22        //1
		_         //jump over		s4        //3
		s5        //4
		s6 = 100  //Insert a value in the middle		s7 = iota //0

iotaIt can also be calculated and assigned to constants:

const (
	January Month = 1 + iota


The declaration of Go variables and constants puts the data type after the variable name, which is different from other programming languages. In addition, the case of variables and constant names determines whether the variable or constant is visible outside the package.

This is the article about the statement and use of variables and constants for re-learning Go language. This is all about this article. For more related Go language variables, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope you will support me in the future!