current(array name) outputs the value of a string in the array, starting from the first one.
key (array name) outputs a subscript in the array, starting from the first one.
next(array name) controls the array pointer to move backwards.
prev (array name) controls the array pointer to move forward.
end(array name) controls the array pointer to move to the last digit.
reset(array name) controls the array pointer to move to the first bit.
array_change_key_case(1. Target array 2. CASE_UPPER uppercase or CASE_LOWER lowercase) Change all array subscripts to uppercase or lowercase.
array_chunk(1. Target array 2. Decompose numbers 3. Output boolean true or false) Decompose an array into multiple small arrays.
array_count_values (array name) is used to calculate the number of times each value appears in an array.
array_fill(1. How many subscripts start from, 2. How many outputs are 3. What are their values) is used to initialize the array.
array_filter (1. Target array 2. User defined function) Filter function, customize what standard is true and what standard is false, this function can automatically filter out false strings.
array_flip (target array) changes the subscript to the value, and the value to the subscript.
array_sum(target array) calculates the sum of all element values in the target array.
array_unique (target array) Removes duplicate values in the target array.
array_values (target array) Removes all subscripts in the target array and calculates the subscripts of the value in this function starting from "0".
array_keys(target array) outputs all subscripts in the target array.
in_array(1. Things to look for 2. Target array 3. Whether to search strictly according to the data type, if it is true) Find whether there is any searched data in the target array.
array_search(1. Things to look for 2. Target array 3. Whether to search strictly) Find whether there is searched data in the target array, and if there is any subscript of this data, it will be output.
array_key_exists(1. Subscript to be found 2. Target array) Find whether there are searched subscripts in the target array. If there is, output true, and if there is no, output false.
extract (target array) Converts an array into a variable.
compact (the variable subscript to be converted into an array) Convert multiple variables into an array.
Array and stack (first in and out)
array_push(1. Target array 2. Value pushed into the stack) Push into the stack function.
array_pop (target array) pops up the stack function.
Array and Team (first in, first out)
array_unshift(1. Target array 2. Press the value of the pair) Press the pair function.
array_shift(1 target array) pops up the function.
Ignore array sorting of key names:
sort (target array) sort from small to large.
rsort(target array) sort from large to small.
Array sorting of reserved key names:
asort (target array) retains the original subscript and sorts the values from small to large.
arsort (target array) retains the original subscript and sorts the values from large to small.
Natural sorting method:
natsort (target array) retains the original subscript, and the values are sorted from large to small, and are case-sensitive.
natcasesort (target array) retains the original subscript, and the values are sorted from small to large, and are case-sensitive.
array_merge(1. Target array 2. Target array...) Merge multiple arrays.
array_diff(1.become array 2.become array 3.become array......) Find the difference product of the array.
array_intersect(1.become array 2.become array 3.become array...) Find the intersect product of the array.
key (array name) outputs a subscript in the array, starting from the first one.
next(array name) controls the array pointer to move backwards.
prev (array name) controls the array pointer to move forward.
end(array name) controls the array pointer to move to the last digit.
reset(array name) controls the array pointer to move to the first bit.
array_change_key_case(1. Target array 2. CASE_UPPER uppercase or CASE_LOWER lowercase) Change all array subscripts to uppercase or lowercase.
array_chunk(1. Target array 2. Decompose numbers 3. Output boolean true or false) Decompose an array into multiple small arrays.
array_count_values (array name) is used to calculate the number of times each value appears in an array.
array_fill(1. How many subscripts start from, 2. How many outputs are 3. What are their values) is used to initialize the array.
array_filter (1. Target array 2. User defined function) Filter function, customize what standard is true and what standard is false, this function can automatically filter out false strings.
array_flip (target array) changes the subscript to the value, and the value to the subscript.
array_sum(target array) calculates the sum of all element values in the target array.
array_unique (target array) Removes duplicate values in the target array.
array_values (target array) Removes all subscripts in the target array and calculates the subscripts of the value in this function starting from "0".
array_keys(target array) outputs all subscripts in the target array.
in_array(1. Things to look for 2. Target array 3. Whether to search strictly according to the data type, if it is true) Find whether there is any searched data in the target array.
array_search(1. Things to look for 2. Target array 3. Whether to search strictly) Find whether there is searched data in the target array, and if there is any subscript of this data, it will be output.
array_key_exists(1. Subscript to be found 2. Target array) Find whether there are searched subscripts in the target array. If there is, output true, and if there is no, output false.
extract (target array) Converts an array into a variable.
compact (the variable subscript to be converted into an array) Convert multiple variables into an array.
Array and stack (first in and out)
array_push(1. Target array 2. Value pushed into the stack) Push into the stack function.
array_pop (target array) pops up the stack function.
Array and Team (first in, first out)
array_unshift(1. Target array 2. Press the value of the pair) Press the pair function.
array_shift(1 target array) pops up the function.
Ignore array sorting of key names:
sort (target array) sort from small to large.
rsort(target array) sort from large to small.
Array sorting of reserved key names:
asort (target array) retains the original subscript and sorts the values from small to large.
arsort (target array) retains the original subscript and sorts the values from large to small.
Natural sorting method:
natsort (target array) retains the original subscript, and the values are sorted from large to small, and are case-sensitive.
natcasesort (target array) retains the original subscript, and the values are sorted from small to large, and are case-sensitive.
array_merge(1. Target array 2. Target array...) Merge multiple arrays.
array_diff(1.become array 2.become array 3.become array......) Find the difference product of the array.
array_intersect(1.become array 2.become array 3.become array...) Find the intersect product of the array.