Oracle Audit Log Settings
Use the following statement to change the AUDIT_FILE_DEST parameter to write audit logs to the /audit_logs directory:
Grant user groups
chown -R oracle:dba /audit_logs
Save the query statement to a file through SQL statement
SELECT * FROM dba_audit_trail WHERE action_name LIKE '%SQL%' INTO OUTFILE '/your/path/to/' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"';
After Oracle 11g is installed, the database audit function will be enabled by default, and the logs are saved in the SYSTEM tablespace.
This leads to the increasing space for SYSTEM. When the tablespace is full, it will cause the database to be unable to connect.
It is recommended to turn off this function after the database installation is completed and turn it on when necessary.
Parameter description
The audit function is controlled by the parameter audit_trail, and the value range and meaning are as follows:
Parameter value Description
- DB (default) enables audit function.
- OS writes audit records to a file in the operating system
- TRUE Enables the audit function.
- FALSE Turn off the audit function.
- NONE Turn off the audit function.
Check whether the audit function is enabled
a) Log in to SQL plus as DBA, and all the following commands are executed in this mode;
sqlplus / as sysdba
b) View the value of audit_trail
NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ audit_file_dest string /data/app/oracle/admin/orcl/ad ump audit_sys_operations boolean FALSE audit_syslog_level string audit_trail string DB
According to the query results, the database audit function has been enabled.
Turn off database audit function
a) Execute the following statement to turn off the database audit function.
b) Restart the database
SQL> shutdown immediate; SQL> startup;
Verify that the audit has been closed
SQL> show parameter audit_trail NAME TYPE VALUE audit_trail string FALSE
Description: VALUE value is FALSE, and the surface audit function is turned off
Turn on the audit function
SQL> alter system set audit_sys_operations=TRUE scope=spfile;--Audit management users(bysysdba/sysoperCharacter login) SQL> alter system set audit_trail=db,extended scope=spfile; -- This is to put the audit data into the database SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET audit_trail='xml' SCOPE=spfile; -- This is to put the audit data intoxmlIn the file
Finally, restart the service and start it.
Delete the audit log:
When a very specific log has been formed, the records inside can be deleted. Currently, they are directly deleted and have no impact on the database.
Query the current log information:select * FROM $; Delete existing audit information:DELETE FROM $;
Or quickly delete table information:
truncate table $;
It is generally recommended that if the audit function is not used after deploying oracle, it is turned off to save space.
The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.