Updated on 2025-03-02

Meteorological XML Data Source Application Development Guide - Operation Checklist

3. Operation checklist
To execute meteorological XML data source, you must:
* Register at /services/ to obtain your user ID and license key.
* According to Section 2.3, define whether your application is a web application or a desktop application.
* Correctly execute one search request, one and multiple results. Obtain a location ID and "No Locations Found" information.
* Any weather request must contain a correct user ID, “par” request parameter, “prod” request parameter and “key” request parameter.
* Correctly judge the response of an incorrect document.
* Extract the meteorological data elements and links you want to display from the data.
* In your application you cannot confuse TWCi meteorological data with other meteorological data.
* Display the original format of TWCi meteorological data without changes, translations and other derivatives.
* Request and display weather data within your application only. Weather data cannot be redirected and transmitted to other applications or platforms.
* Highlight a sign in the meteorological data. This flag must be linked to the correct "prod" and "par" request parameters.
* Highlight link in meteorological data. They must have the correct "prod" and "par" request parameters.
* You must read Chapter 8.2 to support data caching.
* If conditions permit, your application must use the correct icon to describe the weather.
* Your application must be provided to end users for free to download and use.