Updated on 2025-03-02

Java Stream Reduce Guide

reduce()Is a terminal operation in the Java Stream API that combines elements in a stream one by one to generate a value. in other words,reduce()By applying binary operations to elements in the stream (an operation that receives two input parameters and returns a result), multiple elements are "reduced" into a value.

1. The role of the reduce() method

reduce()Used to generate a single result from a stream, common uses are:

  • Calculate the sum and multiply product
  • Calculate the maximum value and minimum value
  • Combine strings, objects, etc. into one result

reduce()The operation accepts two parameters:

  • An initial value (called "identification").
  • A binary operator, usually provided in the form of a lambda expression.

The final result is an Optional value that represents the reduction result of the stream. Commonly used overloading forms are as follows:

2. Three overload forms of reduce() method

Form 1:reduce(BinaryOperator<T> accumulator)

This form has no initial value, and the first element of the stream will be used as the initial value. The return isOptional<T>, to prevent the flow from being empty.

Optional<Integer> sum = ()
                            .reduce((a, b) -> a + b);

Form 2:reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> accumulator)

This form has an initial valueidentity, it can ensure that there will be a default result even if the stream is empty. The return isT

int sum = ()
              .reduce(0, (a, b) -> a + b);

Form 3:reduce(U identity, BiFunction<U, T, U> accumulator, BinaryOperator<U> combiner)

This form is suitable for parallel flow operations, which can separate the accumulator and the merger through two functions. It is usually used to merge by block operation when executing tasks in parallel.

int sum = ()
                      (partialResult, element) -&gt; partialResult + element, // Accumulator                      Integer::sum); // Merge

3. Example of reduce()

Let's understand it through a few specific examplesreduce()How to use.

1. Calculate the sum

Suppose we have a list of integers and want to passreduce()Calculate the sum of all integers:

List&lt;Integer&gt; numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// Use a reduce with initial valueint sum = ()
    .reduce(0, (a, b) -&gt; a + b);  // The initial value is 0(sum);  // Output:15


reduce(0, (a, b) -> a + b):here0is the initial value,(a, b) -> a + bIt is an accumulator, and each element in the stream is accumulated with the previous calculation result to obtain the final sum.

2. Calculate the product

You can still use itreduce()Computes the product of all elements. Suppose we want to calculate the product of a list of integers:

List&lt;Integer&gt; numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
int product = ()
    .reduce(1, (a, b) -&gt; a * b);  // The initial value is 1(product);  // Output:120


reduce(1, (a, b) -> a * b): The initial value is 1 (because the unit element of the multiplication is 1), and the product of all elements is calculated by cumulative multiplication.

3. String concatenation

Suppose we have a set of strings that we want to passreduce()Concatenate them and generate a long string.

List&lt;String&gt; words = ("Hello", "World", "Stream", "API");
String result = ()
    .reduce("", (a, b) -&gt; a + " " + b);  // The initial value is an empty string(result);  // Output:" Hello World Stream API"


reduce("", (a, b) -> a + " " + b): The initial value is an empty string"", generate the final result by adding each word to the previous string.

4. Find the maximum value

Suppose we want to find the maximum value in a list of integers:

List&lt;Integer&gt; numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
int max = ()
    .reduce(Integer.MIN_VALUE, (a, b) -&gt; a &gt; b ? a : b);  // The initial value is Integer.MIN_VALUE(max);  // Output:5


reduce(Integer.MIN_VALUE, (a, b) -> a > b ? a : b): The initial value isInteger.MIN_VALUE, indicating the smallest possible value. By comparing each element in the stream, you finally find the largest one.

5. Find the minimum value

Similarly, we can usereduce()Find the minimum value:

int min = ()
    .reduce(Integer.MAX_VALUE, (a, b) -&gt; a &lt; b ? a : b);  // The initial value is Integer.MAX_VALUE(min);  // Output:1

4. Reduce() without initial value

If the stream is empty and no initial value is usedreduce(), the returned one will beOptionalObject. This is because if the stream is empty, there is no value to "reduce", so the result is empty.


List&lt;Integer&gt; emptyList = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
Optional&lt;Integer&gt; result = ()
    .reduce((a, b) -&gt; a + b);  // No initial value(result);  // Output:


becauseemptyListis empty, no initial value, soreduce()Return an emptyOptionalObject, indicates that there is no element to "reduce".

5. Reduce() in parallel streams

In parallel streams (parallelStream()),reduce()A third overload method can be used to efficiently process large data sets. It splits the stream into multiple substreams and processes it in parallel through the accumulator and the merger.

Examples in parallel streams:

int sum = ()
    .reduce(0, (partialResult, element) -&gt; partialResult + element, Integer::sum);
(sum);  // Output:15


reduce(0, (partialResult, element) -> partialResult + element, Integer::sum): The accumulator here is(partialResult, element) -> partialResult + element, the merger isInteger::sum, They help merge the results of multiple substreams in parallel streams.

6. Comparison of reduce() with other terminal operations

  • collect(): Used to collect the elements of the stream into a collection, e.g.ListSetorMap
  • forEach(): Used to traverse each element in the stream, perform operations, but do not return the result.
  • count(): Used to count the number of elements in the stream.

andreduce()It is to "reduce" all elements in the stream into a single result. It is not used for collection or traversal, but for generating an aggregated value.


  • reduce()Is an operation used to aggregate or "reduce" elements in a stream.
  • It combines multiple elements in the stream one by one through binary operators to generate a single result.
  • Typical usages include summing, product, string concatenation, finding maximum and minimum values.
  • Using no initial valuereduce()When the result isOptional, to prevent the flow from being empty.
  • In parallel streams,reduce()Big data can be processed in parallel through accumulators and mergers.

passreduce(), you can perform complex aggregation operations on data in streams with very flexible flexibility.

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