When using Nginx as a reverse proxy or load balancer, we often need to get the real IP address of the client. However, by default, Nginx's$remote_addr
The IP address recorded by the variable may be the IP of the upstream proxy or load balancer, rather than the IP of the actual client. To ensure that we can correctly obtain and record the real IP of the client, this article will explain how to configure Nginx and debug.
1. Configure Nginx to obtain the real IP of the client
1. Basic configuration instructions
First, we need to make sure Nginx can correctly parse from upstream agents or load balancersX-Forwarded-For
Header information. By configurationreal_ip_header
, Nginx can convert$remote_addr
Updated to the real IP of the client.
Sample configuration:
http { include ; default_type application/octet-stream; server_tokens off; # Set the header information of the real IP real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For; # Specify the trusted upstream proxy IP range, here is an example (that is your load-balanced IP segment) set_real_ip_from; #Other configurations ... }
real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
: Specify which header to get the client's real IP address. Common heads includeX-Forwarded-For
wait. -
: Specifies which IP address segments requests can be trusted. If the request comes from these address segments, then Nginx willreal_ip_header
Configuration update$remote_addr
In Nginx,set_real_ip_from
The instruction is used to define which IP addresses or IP address segments are trusted. Depending on the request source, is the IP address inset_real_ip_from
Within the specified range, Nginx's behavior will be different, the specific differences are as follows:
2. Set_real_ip_from detailed explanation
1. Request source IP inset_real_ip_from
Within range
If the IP address of the requested source isset_real_ip_from
Within the specified range, Nginx will trust the request and usereal_ip_header
The specified header (such asX-Forwarded-For
The value in ) is used as the client's real IP address.
Nginx Use
The first (leftmost) IP address in the header is$remote_addr
(i.e. the real IP address of the client). - This usually occurs on the load balancer or reverse proxy server front end, which will add
Head to indicate the real client IP.
2. The source of the request IP is not presentset_real_ip_from
Within range
If the IP address of the requested sourceNot here set_real_ip_from
Within the specified range, Nginx will not trust the request.X-Forwarded-For
IP address in the header.
Nginx uses the IP address of the request source directly (i.e.
) as the client's IP address. - This means that Nginx treats the IP address of the load balancer or proxy server as the IP of the client without considering
The value in the header.
Scenario analysis:
In scope:If you have a load balancer, all requests will pass through it and then arrive at Nginx. The load balancer will be added to the request header
To record the client's real IP. If you configure the IP address of the load balancer inset_real_ip_from
In Nginx will read and trustX-Forwarded-For
The real IP of the client in .Not within range:If the request was not sent through a load balancer you trust (maybe directly accessing Nginx, or from an untrusted proxy server), Nginx will consider the request to be
It is not trustworthy, so the actual request source IP (the IP address of the load balancer or proxy) is used as the client IP.
3. log_format configuration (reference)
When configuring the log format, you can use it directly$remote_addr
Variable. Nginx is analyzingreal_ip_header
After that, the$remote_addr
Replace with the parsed real IP address.
Log format configuration:
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
: Configurereal_ip_header
After that, this variable will represent the client's real IP address.
2. Debugging and testing
To ensure the configuration is correct, we can use a simple debug log to test it.X-Forwarded-For
Contents of the head.
Add debug log
You can use the following configuration toX-Forwarded-For
The header is recorded in a special debug log file.
Debug log configuration:
log_format debug '$http_x_forwarded_for'; access_log /path/to/log/ debug;
Through this configuration, you can view it directly during the debugging process.X-Forwarded-For
Contents at the header to confirm whether it contains the client's real IP address.
Check the debug log
After the configuration is complete, restart Nginx and generate some logs by accessing the application. Then, check the debug log/path/to/log/
To verifyX-Forwarded-For
The value of the head.
tail -f /path/to/log/
The header contains the client's real IP address, which means that the configuration is correct and Nginx can correctly obtain and record the client's real IP.
3. Use the real IP of the client in Lua (reference)
In actual applications, if you use the Lua module of OpenResty or Nginx, you can use it in Lua code..remote_addr
To obtain the parsed real IP.
Sample code:
access_by_lua " local uid = .cookie_bb_id if not uid then uid = ngx.md5(() .. .remote_addr .. .http_user_agent) ['Set-Cookie'] = 'bb_id=' .. uid .. '; path=/; Expires=' .. ngx.cookie_time(() + 3650*86400) .. '; Secure; SameSite=None' end ";
In the above Lua code,.remote_addr
The parsed client's real IP will be obtained. This is very useful in user tracking or logging.
4. Summary
By correct configurationreal_ip_header
, we can ensure that Nginx can pass$remote_addr
Get and record the client's real IP address. After the configuration is completed, the debug log can be used to verify that the configuration is in effect. If you need to obtain the real IP in Lua, you can use it directly.remote_addr
This is the article about the implementation of Nginx to obtain the real IP of the client (real_ip_header). For more information about Nginx to obtain the real IP of the client, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!