Updated on 2025-03-02

Methods to use SCSS/SASS in vue-cli v3.0

Using SCSS/SASS for style writing in projects will undoubtedly save a lot of time developing styles. There are three solutions for how to use SCSS/SASS in vue-cli v3.0. The premise is that when using vue-cli to generate the project, CSS Pre-processors are checked, otherwise it cannot be used directly in the project.

Solution 1: Use directly in components

Using SCSS/SASS directly in components is the easiest way:

<style lang="scss" scoped>

The lang option allows you to select the syntax to use: scss/sass. If you want the style to be effective globally, delete scoped.

Solution 2: Import .scss files in the component

Sometimes we might want to define a common scss/sass

We can create a .scss file in the project directory, such as some common styles that you only want to use in specific components or some scss variables.

We can use @import in our component for style import, for example:

@import '../src/static/';

Be careful not to write the path incorrectly. Moreover, the premise of this solution is that Scheme 1 is used in the import component. Otherwise, .scss cannot be compiled directly in ordinary css style sheets, and it is necessary to maintain the uniformity of style sheet formats.

Solution 3: Use global scss/sass file

If you want to define a scss style that can be used globally, you first need to create a .scss file, and then use the import command in the project to import the independent .scss file globally into the project just like importing a module.

import "./static/";


The above is the method of using SCSS/SASS in vue-cli v3.0 introduced to you by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support for my website!