Android OkHttp Post uploads files and carries parameters
Here I will sort out the method of OkHttp's post that also needs to carry the request parameters while uploading the file.
The version using OkHttp is as follows:
compile '.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.1'
The code is as follows:
protected void post_file(final String url, final Map<String, Object> map, File file) { OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); // form form upload requestBody = new ().setType(); if(file != null){ // () It is the uploaded file type. RequestBody body = (("image/*"), file); String filename = (); // The parameters are: Request key, file name, RequestBody ("headImage", (), body); } if (map != null) { // The map contains the key and value required in the request. for ( entry : ()) { (valueOf(()), valueOf(())); } } Request request = new ().url("Request Address").post(()).tag(context).build(); // readTimeout("Request timeout" , time unit); ().readTimeout(5000, ).build().newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() { @Override public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) { ("lfq" ,"onFailure"); } @Override public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException { if (()) { String str = ().string(); ("lfq", () + " , body " + str); } else { ("lfq" ,() + " error : body " + ().string()); } } }); }
Here is what I mean, the addFormDataPart method is an encapsulation of the previous addPart method, so there is no need to configure the header or the like.
If it is just a simple Post carrying parameters, then use FormBody directly, the code is as follows:
formBody = new (); if (map != null) { for ( entry : ()) { ((()),(())); } }
The above is just a sorting out the problems encountered in the project. If you need to know more, please check the analysis of the masters yourself.
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