API introduction
Front-end File upload and download, Canvas save pictures, Ajax and Fetch binary streaming, PDF preview, WebAssembly application on the browser, etc., all require ArrayBuffer and Blob. The file will introduce the mutual conversion of these objects in detail.
Objects allow web applications to read asynchronously the content of files (or raw data buffers) stored on the user's computer, usingFile
Object specifies the file or data to be read.
Object represents an immutable, original data-like file object. Its data can be read in text or binary format or converted intoReadableStream
To be used for data operations.Blob
What does not necessarily meanJavaScript
Data in native format.File
Interface basedBlob
, inheritedblob
function and extend it to support files on the user system.
Object represents a piece of memory that stores binary data. It cannot be read and written directly, and can only be passed through the view (TypedArray
Views andDataView
Views) are used to read and write. The function of the view is to interpret binary data in a specified format.
The object isArrayBuffer
A data type (8-bit unsigned integer).
Accept code point streams as input and provideUTF-8
Byte stream as output.
The interface represents a text decoder, and a decoder only supports one specific text encoding, such as utf-8, iso-8859-2, koi8, cp1261, gbk, etc. The decoder takes a stream of bytes as input and provides a stream of code points as output.
Notice:Binary arrays are not real arrays, but array-like objects.
Characters and ArrayBuffer, Uint8Array convert each other
=> ArrayBuffer
let encoder = new TextEncoder(); // Characters to Uint8Arraylet uint8Array = ("hello"); // Uint8Array to ArrayBufferlet arrayBuffer =
=> ArrayBuffer
let str = 'hello, how are you? ' let blob = new Blob([str],{type:'text/plain;charset=utf-8'}); let utf8decoder = new TextDecoder() ().then(buffer=>{ // ArrayBuffer (buffer) let text = (buffer) // String (text) })
=> ArrayBuffer
let str = 'hello, how are you? ' let blob = new Blob([str],{type:'text/plain;charset=utf-8'}); let utf8decoder = new TextDecoder() let fr = new FileReader() (blob) = function(res) { // ArrayBuffer let buffer = (buffer) let text = (buffer) // String (text) }
The above is the detailed content of the example of converting ArrayBuffer Uint8Array Blob and text characters. For more information about converting text characters from ArrayBuffer Uint8Array Blob, please follow my other related articles!