Updated on 2025-03-03

js regular expression checks the method of specifying string

The latest small form verification requirement: "Only enter Chinese characters, and must include the words "branch", "branch", "bank", and "credit union" and need to be verified using regular expressions.

Therefore, the following expression was written

var patt1=new RegExp(/^[\u0391-\uFFE5]*(([\u652f]{1}[\u884c]{1})|([\u5206]{1}[\u884c]{1})|([\u94f6]{1}[\u884c]{1})|([\u4fe1]{1}[\u7528]{1}[\u793e]{1}))+[\u0391-\uFFE5]*$/);

(("Credit Union works hard"));

Chinese character encoding uses Unicode, and then the output is of course true. The total rules are divided into three parts:

1. ^[\u0391-\uFFE5]* means that the beginning must contain zero or more Chinese characters

2. (([\u652f]{1}[\u884c]{1})|([\u5206]{1}[\u884c]{1})|([\u94f6]{1}[\u884c]{1})|([\u4fe1]{1}[\u7528]{1}[\u793e]{1}))+ means that one must include "branch", "branch", "bank", "credit union" and may be repeatedly included

3. [\u0391-\uFFE5]*$ means that the end must contain zero or more Chinese characters.

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