Updated on 2025-03-03

Front-end regular expression writing and common methods

Regular expressions describe a pattern of string matching, which can be used to check whether a string contains a certain substring, replace the matching substring, or take out a substring that meets a certain condition from a string, etc.

Front-end regular expression writing

1. Writing method

Writing method one



  • /i (Ignore case)
  • /g (Full text to find all matching characters that appear)
  • /m (multiple line search)
  • /gi(Full text search, ignoring upper and lower case)
  • /ig (full text search, ignoring upper and lower case)

Example: /a/gi Find a content

By default, only one modifier is matched

Writing method two

let a = new RegExp('/regex/','modifier')

2. Several common methods

Methods can retrieve the specified value within a string, or find a match for one or more regular expressions.

Returned content

["Matched content", index: 3, input: "String object", groups: undefined]

If the regexp modifier is /g, the object is returned as an array




Take a lookup string a in abc as an example

'aabc' .match('a') Match only the first one
'aabc' .match(/a/) Match only the first one

Used to replace some characters in a string with other characters, or to replace a substring that matches a regular expression


('The first string found','Modified string')

(regexp(all replaced by the content matched by the regular expression), 'modified string')

His usage is similar to match, but what he returns is the index




Method is used to detect whether a string matches a pattern. If the string contains matching text, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.




/a/.test('a') #Return true/a/.test('ac') #Return true/a/.test('c') #returnfalse

The method is to retrieve the match of regular expressions in the string. If the match is reached, it returns an array with the results. If there is no match, it returns a null.


Actually, it's similar to match, but just return to the fill-in position

But there is one thing

('c'.exec('c')); #There will be an error('c'.match('c')); #Will matchc


The above is the front-end regular expression writing and commonly used methods introduced by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to everyone in time. Thank you very much for your support for my website!
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