Updated on 2025-03-03

How to install golang and set goproxy on ubuntu

There are usually several ways to install Go language (Golang) on ​​Ubuntu, and here are some common installation steps:

Method 1: Use the package manager to install

Update package list

sudo apt update

Install Go

sudo apt install golang-go

Verify installation

go version

Method 2: Compile and install from source code

Installation dependencies

sudo apt install -y git mercurial

Download Go source code

git clone /go

Compile and install Go

cd go/src./

Set environment variables
Add the following to your~/.bashrcor~/.profileIn the file:

export GOROOT=/home/yourusername/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin

replaceyourusernameFor your username and reload the configuration file:

source ~/.bashrc

Verify installation

go version

Method 3: Use version management tools to install (such as gvm)

Install GVM

bash < <(curl -s -S -L /moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer)

Install Go

gvm install go1.18.3 # Replace with the version you needgvm use go1.18.3

Verify installation

go version

Things to note

  • After the installation is complete, make sureGOPATHSet environment variables to your system path, which is the path to the Go language workspace.
  • You can usego getCommand to install third-party libraries.

Please choose the appropriate installation method according to your Ubuntu version and personal preferences. If you need to install a specific version of Go, you may need to look for a specific installation command for that version.

To set up a Go proxy in Ubuntu system, you can follow these steps:

Enable Go Modules
For Go 1.13 and above, you need to enable Go Modules feature. The environment variable can be set through the following commandGO111MODULE

go env -w GO111MODULE=on

Configure GOPROXY environment variables
You can choose to use a different Go proxy service. The following are some commonly used Go proxy services and their configuration methods:

Official *(recommend):

go env -w GOPROXY=,direct

This will set up a Go proxy as the official Go proxy service, which provides global CDN acceleration and supports official sumdb.

Alibaba Cloud *

go env -w GOPROXY=/goproxy/,direct

The Go proxy service provided by Alibaba Cloud is suitable for mainland China and can provide faster download speeds.

Qiniu Cloud *

go env -w GOPROXY=,direct

The Go proxy service provided by Qiniu Cloud is also suitable for mainland China, providing the characteristics of fast download and no bandwidth restrictions.

Make the configuration effective for a long time
If you want these settings to work for a long time, you can add the above commands to your shell configuration file, e.g.~/.bashrcor~/.profile

echo "export GO111MODULE=on" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export GOPROXY=,direct" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Please select the correct configuration file according to the shell type you are using (such as bash, zsh, etc.).

Verify configuration
After the setup is complete, you can verify it by following the commandGOPROXYIs it set correctly:

go env | grep GOPROXY

If the output shows the proxy address you set, the configuration will be successful.

Through the above steps, you can successfully set up a Go proxy in the Ubuntu system, thereby speeding up the download of Go dependency packages.

This is the article about installing golang and setting goproxy in ubuntu. For more related content on installing golang in ubuntu, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!